Saturday, April 20, 2024

R is for Rocking

Good Words Alphabetically: R is for Rocking


Words from a Rocking Chair

I rock in chair on days of sun
And rock until the day is done
I rock in peace as evening calls
And rock with thoughts through salty squalls
I pick up pen and pen complies
I write in truth forbidding lies
I do not know why thoughts are spilled
some may be loved, some reek unskilled
But either way they lie on page
Fulfilling peace, instilling rage
I have to write, I write to speak
My rocking chair and I must squeak

By Donna JT Smith ©2024





  1. Rocking chairs are fun, but it isn't only thoughts that are spilled from them. People unused to sitting in them sometimes have trouble with a drink!

  2. R is for Rocking is another one of your peaceful poems. May I sit and rock with you through April?

  3. I love rocking chairs. We have two on our front porch and I have one in our bedroom.

  4. Every home should have a rocking chair


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