Friday, April 19, 2024

Q is for Quiet

Good Words Alphabetically: Q is for Quiet



Quiet now the day is closing

Quieter the chipmunks’ mirth

Quieted the fox is denning

Quietness descends to earth

Quietest of all the moon

Shines quietly goodnight

It will stay on guard awake 

A quieting nightlight. 

By Donna JT Smith ©️2024


It is also Poetry Friday.  Visit My Juicy Little Universe, hosted this week by Heidi Mordhorst, to read more poetry today!


  1. I appreciate your restful poem, Donna. It takes me to a quieter place.

  2. I appreciate your restful poem, Donna. Anid a crazy day, it takes me to a quieter place.

  3. What a sweet fox! Nice ending to your Quiet poem, Donna.

  4. Lovely way to use all the forms of "quiet," Donna--and your blog is looking gorgeous!

  5. Donna, your poem is unique and I love this line, Quietness descends to earth. Thanks for the peaceful poem and your interesting NPM project. If interested, I started a new padlet and later gallery for NPM. I hope you join in with one of your image poems.

    1. Thanks, Carol. And I'll check out your padlet, too.

  6. Donna, your poem is unique and I love this line, Quietness descends to earth. (a beautiful peaceful line). I hope you join my NPM project with one image poem.

  7. Donna, I am not sure why my comment does not pop up but I shall try again. I love your project this month. This line fills me with peace,
    Quietness descends to earth.
    I would love for you to send a spring poem for my newest padle and gallery.

  8. Oh, I love this, Donna, any new thing about the moon, especially: "A quieting nightlight."

  9. I love how you used so many different versions of quiet (the word).


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