Saturday, April 13, 2024

L is for Lithe

 Good Words Alphabetically: L is for Lithe

We are on our way through the alphabet with some nice words.


Limber, lithe,

slim and supple,

agile, sleek,

not prone to stumble

is a deer 

though shy and meek

they run through brambles 

like a streak

a silky ribbon 


over stumps 

‘round bush and tree

leaping, dodging

sharp zigzagging 

white tail up

warning, flagging

letting other 

artful deer

know that danger 

could be near 

then pausing in 

another glen

quick to stop

and browse again. 

By Donna JT Smith ©️2024


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  1. Lithe is definitely lovely and underused! I enjoyed your run through the brambles with the word!

  2. These are so fun -- kind of like Heidi's definitos, but without her rules!

    1. The words go together nimbly...they're all kind of lithe words!

  3. I always wanted to feel lithe but unfortunately that word or none of the other lovely words in your poem describe me. But I wish they did.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! Lithe is not a word I've ever seen as the backbone of a poem. This is masterful. Gosh, I've missed your poems. Good to see this one today!

    1. Thanks, Linda! It's good to be back. Lots of things got in the way for a bit - a few years - but I'm trying to get more focused on my words again.

  5. You paint a beautiful, action-packed scene in this poem. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I genuinely enjoyed this poem. Beautifully done!

  7. I just noticed how many descriptive words for lithe have the letter L in them...a nice long and slender letter.


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