Monday, April 29, 2024

Y is for Yesterday

 A to Z Challenge and National Poetry Month combined in my

Good Words Alphabetically: Y is for Yesterday.  


Yesterdays' Lessons

Yesterday may have been sweet

adventuresome, delightful

Or it might have been disastrous

sadly dark and frightful

But that was simply yesterday

Today’s a day that’s new;

A day to start all fresh again

Because you’re a new you, too. 

Every yesterday you’ve had

Various circumstances

Either good or not so good

Each rhythm changed the dances

One yesterday you learned something

That molded you in ways 

A stronger you with wisdom

That sustained you to this day

skinned knees, sun and friendships 

Arguments and rain

Compounded your resiliency,

And trained your yester-brain. 

A wiser one you’ve grown to be

Fortified from bump and bruise 

Today is tomorrow’s yesterday

Look for wins when you lose. 

By Donna JT Smith ©️2024


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Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

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