Monday, April 15, 2024

M is for Meditate

 Good Words Alphabetically: M is for Meditate

This post is a part of the AtoZ Challenge. The link to posts from this challenge is below.  Click on that image.

I know I did at least three poems for this word.  I am posting the first one I came up with.  I don't know why it took so much thought...maybe the word "meditate" started me overthinking!


You have a thought you think is good
you wonder if you really should
give it just a bit of time
marinate it in a rhyme
let it mellow
let it merge
check it
is it on the verge
of being right
and not gone wrong
don’t meditate on it too long
before you think another thought;
gazillions more are still uncaught.

By Donna JT Smith ©2024


  1. I am loving the illustrations with your poems. I love these lines: don’t meditate on it too long
    before you think another thought;
    gazillions more are still uncaught.


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