Tuesday, April 9, 2024

H is for Harmony


Good Words Alphabetically: H is for Harmony

Oh, I love to listen to good harmony.  And I love harmonizing when it happens, or I'm brave enough to do it!

It's a wonderful thing when harmony of spirit and song are entwined.  Love a good a cappella group!

Now this is going to look inharmonious to you when you read the description, but it's still a fun poetic form to try.  Here it is, a Triolet:

A Triolet has 8 lines.
Lines are 1, 4 and 7 repeat. Then lines 3 and 6 rhyme with the 1,4,7 lines.
Lines 2 and 8 also repeat.
The rhyme scheme:  ABaAabAB  Capital letters in this case represent the repeated lines. And the lowercase the rhyming word.

Often a Triolet has 8 syllables in each line/verse, written in iambic tetrameter.  Don't feel overwhelmed by this.  I have to keep my cheat sheet in front of my or make notes beside the lines to keep me on track!

H is for Harmony

The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds
entrapping it each day last week.
The birds all flock in social crowds;
The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds,
and beams all shed their shady shrouds.
In harmony birds sing to speak,
The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds
entrapping it each day last week.

By Donna JT Smith ©2024

Here it is with its line numbers and corresponding letters for a key...just in case you want to try your own!

H is for Harmonize

1 The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds    A
2 entrapping it each day last week.               B
3 The birds all flock in social crowds;            a
4  The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds,  A
5  and beams all shed their shady shrouds.  a
6  In harmony birds sing to speak,                b
7  The sun breaks out, escapes the clouds   A
8  entrapping it each day last week.              B

By Donna JT Smith ©2024

The sun and birds got in this poem as I thought about the eclipse.  We finally had sun here for seeing the eclipse.  It's been stormy and cloudy for many, many days, so the sun coming out was a treat.  And I watched and listened to the gulls as they got more and more agitated as the sky changed.  

I had attempted "hopeful" today.  Actually I did a whole poem.  But it felt too trite or something.  So I set out on a different poetic journey.  It was fun to construct.  So I'm "Happy" and "Hopeful" that you are, too!


  1. Well done, Donna. I am reading all your posts, but don't have time to comment on each one.

  2. This is great, now I will need to go back and read some more of your posts!
    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side: 2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons.


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