Tuesday, April 23, 2024

T is for Table

Good Words Alphabetically: T is for Table

A part of the A to Z Challenge

I don't know why I couldn't get started with "tender" or "tapestry" or "thoughtful" last night.  And nothing was coming this morning...then "table" arrived.  And table it is. I love my table.


Tables are great places to meet
Places we can tuck our feet
Where lovingly the food is served
Where all that’s given is well-deserved

Tables give a spot for tea
A place to whisper - two or three,
A site to sit and read a book
A cozy quiet between-meal nook

They’re a haven for a long lost friend,
A place to patch things up and mend,
A slate, a surface to begin again,
A place to smile and remember when.

Card games, puzzles, crafts and soup,
Medicines for kid’s with croup,
Bags of groceries, stacks of mail
Something heavy, something frail

Pie crust rolling, bread dough rising
Computers, papers, enterprising,
All supported by this able,
Talented, tasteful kitchen table.

By Donna JT Smith ©2024

Click to see other participants of the April 2024 AtoZ Challenge.

1 comment:

Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

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