Monday, April 1, 2024

A - Adventure

On an out of the blue adventure in Boston a few years a...


This is the beginning of the AtoZ Challenge of writing every day, except Sunday, starting with A and going to Z by the end of the month.  I have decided to select a positive word, a growing word...something to keep me adventuring this month.

Before losing my husband in late 2023, we went on many “adventures”.  They would not be considered adventures to many, in that we did not risk life and limb...not to a great extent anyway.  We would take day trips in the car, stop at random interesting places.  We would go on a week long motorcycle trip with just a vague destination and no overnight lodging plans.  It’s how we ended up owning five acres of bold ocean front in Nova Scotia.  It’s how we found our little ocean view house to retire to, why we bought a farm in Minnesota and raised horses even though we’d never owned horses.  It was always our “why not?”  If there wasn’t a good answer to that, then why not?
Now I am on my own.  And every day is an adventure.  Each activity is new because I only have me to ask, “why not?”.
Adventures mean you don’t know the outcome.  You hope for a good one, and the odds are in your favor.  But you don’t know what this place, this person, this day holds in store for you.  Or maybe you don’t know what YOU hold in store for them.  Sometimes YOU are the adventure for someone else.  Have the adventure. Be the adventure.  Venture forth.


Today’s the day I don helmet,
I slide my sword in scabbard
Saddle up and mount my steed
Race till his side is lathered...

This is the day
The very first
Of all the rest of days
Adventures all
Awaiting steps
Determining yays or nays
I’ll sally forth
To combing beach
I’ll step full shod in ocean
I’ll sit all day
And talk to birds
Avoiding all commotion
I may go on
To other things
That need no invitation
Talk to a passing
Unknown soul
To trade some inspiration
Who knows the wisdom
One might trade
With other roving knights
Today’s the first
Of many days
To set the world to rights.

by Donna JT Smith ©2024


We shall see how I do.  In other years I have at least preselected my topic and word, and sometimes even prewritten a poem to post on particular days. None of that happened this year.  I began doing this in 2012, but skipped last year.  Things got to be just too much.  But this year, I'm trying again.  It is truly an adventure of sorts.


  1. I love to do those kinds of adventures - last year I visited an original Dairy Queen where you ate outside, I tried my hand at TikTok, I explored restaurants. I hope to try other things to break out of my shell again this year. May your adventures fill your world with wonder! -

    1. Nice adventures! Hope you continue to try new things!

  2. I am sorry about the loss of your husband. It sounds like you had great times together. My first year on the A to Z Challenge was 2012 as well. I've been away from blogging for a while and thought this might be a good way to jump back in. I follow you as you showed up on my Reader List. I look forward to more of your posts this month!

    1. Thanks. We did have great times together up until the past 3-5, when I became a 24/7 caretaker to someone I no longer knew...but that's probably a different letter someday...I didn't participate last year. Just too hard to focus. But glad you are back and I'm glad to try again! I usually have all my words picked out and even some poems started. Not this year. I signed up today! So plunging right first adventure!

  3. Hi Donna, I'm sorry for your loss. A good start to the challenge with your poem.
    I'm blogging about poetry this time

    1. Thank you. I will have to head on over to your place! I'm glad you checked in here!

  4. You have such a great spirit and I'm glad you are feeling well enough to join in the fun this year.. I'm blessed to have found you years ago in an earlier A-Z. I know the pain of losing a spouse. It stays with us forever but so do the memories.

    1. It takes effort to keep reaching out, but I'm getting better at it as I keep myself moving. Had the terrible physical pain that is now ebbing, so that has been a big help in clearing my mind. I'm glad you are here and doing this, too! It will help knowing someone out there knows I'm supposed to be writing each day!

  5. I admire your adventurous spirit— stay strong

  6. Replies
    1. We had a great run! No regrets!


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