Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Q is for Qualt and Quaint

It's Q day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "qualt":

Quaint Tin

It's a happy day

in Tinny Land

where by the garden

path we stand.

The fishing's good;

the geese are fed.

We've metal caps

to shade our heads.

We're free to be

In freshest air

Without a qualt,

Without a care,

Just smiling up

At rain and sun

To thank the Lord

each day's begun.

There's no amount 

Of fear or dread

When all your veins

Are made of lead.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

It's RRRR tomorrow!



1 comment:

  1. Aah made of lead...deftly no dread then. V well written

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"


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Z is for Zoetic

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