It's G day!
It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge. I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.
I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day. I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow. Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "glowl":
Glowl Under the Ground
Money doesn't grow on trees you know
But buried underground...
Piles are stacked under the roots
That's where it can be found!
Dig into the bank of earth
past loam and rocky glowl
Don't pay attention to the cry
Tree's frantic growl and howl!
Its bark is way worse than its bite
Its rings are set to silent
Grab the cash, but leave a bit
No need to get too violent
Leave change to seed the future
To blossom into more
Come back again another day
More interest is in store
by Donna JT Smith ©2022
H is for tomorrow, Saturday!
What a cute poem... my granddaughter is interested in writing poetry in fourth grade. I will show her your poem and ask her to write one on money.