Tuesday, April 5, 2022

D is for Donsul and Dock

Day 4

I will be posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: https://randomwordgenerator.com to get both fake word and random image for the day.  My plan was to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day, and the first image that appears.  I have passed on a couple of images that I didn't quite understand.  Nothing's been inappropriate, just uninteresting maybe.  I don't pass on many though.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "donsul".  See poem below:




A dock out of time

afloat in the fog 

a dock for a donsul

and errant tree frog

it hovers in clouds

awaiting a boat

it stretches away like

some narrow white moat

but a boat never comes

nor do the donsuls

but if you look closely

you may see frog's tonsils

he croaks in the mist

and chirr-ups to his friends

he hops off the dock

where the pond and fog lend

a hand to the scene

of serenity's mist

a place where a frog and

a donsul once kissed.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

~ So what's a donsul? ~

See you tomorrow for E!

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what a donsul is. I tried to google it and nothing came up for it :) The poem is nicely written. I kind of thought it would be an interesting children's book with illustrations :)



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