Saturday, April 30, 2022

Z is for Zeffereoring and Zipper

It's Z last Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

For National Poetry Month, I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I am writing ekphrastic poetry (poems written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

Using the site: I get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "zeffereoring":


He has teeth like a zipper

to lock the food in 

He's all head and tummy

But hasn't a chin

Zeffereoring from one thing

then on to the next

he'll slip into your backpack

and send mom a text

He hides all your pencils

and nibbles on books

pretending he reads them

he nestles in nooks

he's quiet at bedtime

bestowing good dreams

he snuggles and cuddles

he's not what he seems

for in daytime he's different

he has too much spunk

but when bedtime comes

his head goes kerplunk.

asleep with a smile

zipped on his face

but on waking he zings 

and makes life a great race.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

I've given consideration to continuing daily posts through May...we shall see.  It's going to be a busy month of readying the house to sell and finishing up homeschooling the grandkids.  But writing is a good distraction from thinking about what I'm doing or have to do.

We shall see.  Ideas??  What topic, topics, rhyme schemes, images???

Friday, April 29, 2022

Y is for Yoffa and Yellow

It's Y Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "yoffa":




Yellow lines between the which

lies line of gray contained

That yoffa has been prone to cross

when not securely laned.

A yoffa has a problem

It's severely yellowblind,

so golden is the color that

a yoffa's mind can't find.

It never knows there's mustard

The sun is out of view

And dandelions bedecking yard

to it, look like they're dew;

a yoffa won't eat lemon pie

but salivate and sniff;

The sweet smell is enticing

when it catches just a whiff.

Though yellow is invisible

It sees every other hue:

Red and purple, green and brown...

But its favorite color's blue.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Z last day of the AtoZ is tomorrow!

But I think I'll still keep trying a poem a day.

I did not have as many readers this year as in the past, but that is MY fault!  I just couldn't get around to reading much this year as I usually have done.  Sorry, all!  Maybe I can catch up.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

X is for Xlf and eXplorer

It's X Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "xlf":


Little eXplorer

eXplorer of the wondrous world,

little Xlf, you plot 

spying with a bottle lens

your hat a stainless pot

around each corner find new lands

rocking chair sails seas

treasures in a Lego box

paper tube palm trees

eXamining small creatures

a hippopotodog

a felionish kitty cat 

a crocodilifrog

eXplorer of the wondrous world,

little Xlf, you know

the world's packed with adventure

everywhere you go.

Donna JT Smith ©2022


Y is tomorry!


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

W is for Wibi and Windmill

It's W Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "wibi":

Wonky Windmill
Mangled vanes clunked
In blue sky
Took in soft breeze
flying by;
Four winds wound up
In a knot;
Stagnant, couldn't
swoop or trot.
Wibi wobbled
till it fell;
Wonky windmill
lost its spell!
No more clunking
windmill sound;
Wind is freely
darting 'round!
Donna JT Smith ©2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

V is for Votion and Vortex

It's V Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "votion":


What is this commotion,

Such water erosion?

I have a notion

It's merely the ocean

Displaying emotion

In swirled locomotion,

The whirl of salt potion

Revealing deep votion

and undying devotion

Through vortexing motion.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Uzal and Up

U Day in the AtoZ Challenge!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "uzal":


Down in the hole
The whole sky is small
And there’s only the upwards
To which we can crawl
There’s dark at the bottom
And light up above
And that is the story
Of God’s own true love
For when we’ve climbed skyward
And stepped into light
We’ll find the horizon
Is endless and bright
The uzal of darkness
Upon itself shrinks
As light floods the spaces
To break the last links.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday is

Today there is a break from the AtoZ Challenge, but I'm keeping on keeping on with a poem a day for National Poetry Month.  Here is a random picture I got today on, and it reminded me of one of the verses in the Bible...

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew 7:25

Matthew 7:25

The rain pours down

and floods your soul

but with faith in foundations

you let the storm roll

it batters the windows

it rattles the door

but safe there within

you can ignore

the challenge of living

the depths of despair

for where you are standing

God fortifies there.

Donna JT Smith  ©2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

T is for Troilets and Tennis

I was attending myy daughter's wedding yyesterday and forgot about my poem for T.  I shall attempt one now...regardless of the challenge of typing that Blogger is giving me. It's T day at the AtoZ Challenge, and always poem day during April!

Tennis Match

Back and forth the ball is batted

Over net, overhanded

No one plays it in the rain

Spinning water's such a pain

In the face, troilets up

Never worth a tennis Cup.

by Donna JT Smith ©2022

Friday, April 22, 2022

S is for Squuzzling and Sir Eatsalot

It's S day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "squuzling":


At Your Service for Eight...or more


Silver collar round my throat

Utensils squuzling gauntlet 'n' coat 

Silver spoons mohawk my skull

Silvery ware that's never dull

I'm at your service, knifed and spooned,

 with dinner forks my eyes festooned.

I'm Sir Eatsalot, the hungry knight;

I dice my food to size of bite

I make short work of soup or steak.

My favorite conquest?

 birthday cake!

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

R is for Ruk and Roof

It's R day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "ruk":

Roof Amuck

There's no accounting for some tastes,

Or why a brain can come unlaced

To think a house should be displaced

Upon its roof to run amuck

Where pointy edges can be stuck

Into the ground by brook and ruk.

Oh, give me roof up to the blue;

There is no sense in having view

That leads to ground through chimney flue.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Q is for Qualt and Quaint

It's Q day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "qualt":

Quaint Tin

It's a happy day

in Tinny Land

where by the garden

path we stand.

The fishing's good;

the geese are fed.

We've metal caps

to shade our heads.

We're free to be

In freshest air

Without a qualt,

Without a care,

Just smiling up

At rain and sun

To thank the Lord

each day's begun.

There's no amount 

Of fear or dread

When all your veins

Are made of lead.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

It's RRRR tomorrow!



Tuesday, April 19, 2022

P is for Parapentors and Path

It's P day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "parapentors":


There are parapentors on the path;

T'would never do to seek their wrath!

So I will step off wooden lath

To seek a safer, detoured path.

Rarely is there man that hath

Not wished he'd done the better math

To pick the far off painless path

'Ere earning parapentors' wrath.

Donna JT Smith ©2022


 Ah, the parapentor.  Never to be messed with... so on to Q.


Monday, April 18, 2022

O is for Ounters and Ocean

It's O day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "ounters":


For Real


He paints a picture in oils of the ocean; 

He makes it so real: roiling clouds and emotion. 

And then the sea rocks and tides begin shifting, 

Salt water arises, begins flowing and lifting. 

It spills from its frame, it ounters the floor; 

His life has at last become one with the shore.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Tomorrow - the P word -

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday Bubbles

It's Sunday!  Happy Easter!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day.

I am using the site: to get a random image for the day.



Bumbling bubbles bobble by,

Softly swirling to the sky;

Reflective rounded rainbows rise!

Fizzle e're they fly too high!


Donna JT Smith ©2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

N is for Noup and Nose

It's N for today.  I'm later posting because I just couldn't think of a poem for the word and image that I had.  So I went back in search of two new inspirational pieces.  Found this cute nose image and "noup".  This was not a rolling off the keyboard poem today.  Don't know why it seemed to hard to start...and end!  But it is done!

Dog Nose

I love your nose -

the way you scoop it

to flip my hand

and kinda noup it -

you make me pat

atop your head

and plead I'll follow

where I'm led;

It lifts to breeze

commencing twitch

to zero in

on something which

is aromatic

teasing senses

and luring you to

leap low fences.

When breeze has died,

nose roaming over,

it's back to scoop

and noup home clover.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

Friday, April 15, 2022

M Mud and Miresa

It's M day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and limerick using the FAKE word "miresa":

My, My, Mud and Miresa
I'm standing in miresa and mud -
a slippery, slobbery crud;
all gray and gloopy,
watery, soupy,
I am fond of this gloppy foot flood.
by Donna JT Smith ©2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

L is for Lonstrian and Locomotive

It's L day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "lonstrian":

From Here to There and Back


a larksome locomotive spans the valley in the air

weighed down with heavy load of varied, lonstrian despairs

steel and iron, wheels on tracks

rickety racks and sundry clacks

fortunate the joys that lift to raise the burden that it bears

peak to peak the engine rallies on its route from here to there

rickety racks, wheels on tracks,

steel and iron, sundry clacks

such joy in mountain topping, heavenly happiness to spare

the times with burdens lifted is a wonderful repair

steely tracks, irony clacks

sundry clacks, rickety racks

the times with burdens lifted is a wonderful repair

such joy in mountain topping, heavenly happiness to spare

steel and iron, sundry clacks

rickety racks, wheels on tracks,

 peak to peak the engine rallies on its route from here to there

fortunate the joys that lift to raise the burden that it bears

rickety racks and sundry clacks

steel and iron, wheels on tracks

weighed down with heavy load of varied, lonstrian despairs

a larksome locomotive spans the valley in the air


Donna JT Smith ©2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

K is for Ku and Knot

It's K day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "ku":


Knowing Knots

It's helpful when you tie a knot to know how knots are tied

It isn't good to try to tie and ku from side to side

You have to make some loops and twists before you weave and slide

Sit back, admire your knot and smile, a jaunty smile of pride.

Now you can fasten boat or shoe whenever one's untied.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Tomorrow ~ L


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

J is for Jor and Jade

It's J day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "jor":

 Jade Glade
The jade glade of jor
is what I've searched for:
with hidden stone house
quiet as a brown mouse,
vines journeying over
amid ferns and clover.
In the jade glade of jor
I'll need search no more.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

~ K tomorrow ~

Monday, April 11, 2022

I is for Ice and Impartious

It's "I" day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "impartious":

Waisting Away


Impartious ice is melting in a freezing water spot

Though not as fast as it would melt inside a boiling pot

But even still it disappears to little from a lot

I wish my waist would shrink this fast whenever I'm too hot.

Perhaps this ice cream cooling me is hitting the wrong spot.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sunday is a Poem Day

Sunday - no AtoZ - but a poem nonetheless.  Isn't nonetheless a great word?

No fake word for today.

Bold Reflection


I started on a walk today
but rain began to fall

I ran back in the house to dry
Reflection seemed to stall.
It wanted to stay out and play
No concern for water fall.
I darted in, it stayed outside
ignored my plea and call
I wish I had my shoes inside
out of the drowning squall
Reflection kept my shoes to fill
It's got a lot of gall...
and fill they will with raindrops
as much as will befall.
Donna JT Smith ©2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Mystery Pictures Temporary Post!


H is for Hypoplate and Horse

It's H day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "hypoplate":

How Funny

A belly laugh, a nasal chortle,

Hilarious horse laughs

one could compare the noises

to some hysterical giraffes 

It starts with joke, a silly look,

the teasing escalates.

Such horseplay is a heap of fun

Till someone hypoplates.


Donna JT Smith ©2022







Friday, April 8, 2022

G is for Glowl and Grow

It's G day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  

I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "glowl":


Glowl Under the Ground


Money doesn't grow on trees you know

But buried underground...

Piles are stacked under the roots

That's where it can be found!

Dig into the bank of earth

past loam and rocky glowl

Don't pay attention to the cry

Tree's frantic growl and howl!

Its bark is way worse than its bite

Its rings are set to silent

Grab the cash, but leave a bit

No need to get too violent

Leave change to seed the future

To blossom into more

Come back again another day

More interest is in store

by Donna JT Smith ©2022

H is for tomorrow, Saturday!





Thursday, April 7, 2022

F is for Fussople and Fowl

Day 6 of AtoZ posts.  It's F day!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "fussople":

Fussily Feathered Fussople (fuss-ō'-pul)

Hails from fair Constantinople,

feathered fowlish fiend fussople;

with crimson eyes and purple crest

he's known to be a noisy pest:

He sings at night to wake the dead

when every soul should be in bed;

then in the morn he shushes dove,

and shatters calm with squawks above.

Fussople, vain, vociferous

rowdy and cacophonous

Provides no quiet, night or day

I beg you Fussople, go away.


by Donna JT Smith ©2022


Where does a fussople live?

~ G tomorrow! ~

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

E is for Evative and Eye

Day 5 of AtoZ posts.  It's E dday!

It is National Poetry Month, so I am posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: to get both a fake word and random image for the day.  I try to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day and then pick the picture that seems to go with it somehow.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "evative":

In the Eyes


I saw inside the clearest eyes

the green of early spring

the grassy fields of summer

evative butterflies on wing

the beauty of an autumn leaf

aswirl to land on pond -

 those sparkling eyes far focused

looking deeply far beyond.

They searched what lay 'cross waving field

across the foaming sea

yet all the while those jade green eyes

were gazing up at me.

And I could see the trust in them

the joy in deepest well

a mother loves the near and far

the eyes of children tell. 

by Donna JT Smith ©2022


~ And the FAKE definition of "evative" is... ~

Stay tuned for F!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

D is for Donsul and Dock

Day 4

I will be posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: to get both fake word and random image for the day.  My plan was to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day, and the first image that appears.  I have passed on a couple of images that I didn't quite understand.  Nothing's been inappropriate, just uninteresting maybe.  I don't pass on many though.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "donsul".  See poem below:




A dock out of time

afloat in the fog 

a dock for a donsul

and errant tree frog

it hovers in clouds

awaiting a boat

it stretches away like

some narrow white moat

but a boat never comes

nor do the donsuls

but if you look closely

you may see frog's tonsils

he croaks in the mist

and chirr-ups to his friends

he hops off the dock

where the pond and fog lend

a hand to the scene

of serenity's mist

a place where a frog and

a donsul once kissed.


Donna JT Smith ©2022

~ So what's a donsul? ~

See you tomorrow for E!

Monday, April 4, 2022

C is for Culatent and Corners

It is:

1. Day 4 of National Poetry Month.

2. Day 4 - Line 4 of the Progressive Poem.  Mary Lee @ A Year of Reading

3. Day 3 of AtoZ postings (no posts on Sundays).  

I will be posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: to get both fake word and random image for the day.  My plan was to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day, and the first image that appears.  I have passed on a couple of images that I didn't quite understand.  Nothing's been inappropriate, just uninteresting maybe.  I don't pass on many though.  Here's today's image and poem using the FAKE word "culatent".  See poem below:



A cube is a cube

with its corners complete,

but lacking three sides

it's a roof or a seat.

Those culatent corners

made out of wood

with missing tri-siders

can't be what they should.

So pair them up soundly

then look at each side

their height is the same

as their inches are wide.

A cube is a cube 

with triangulant corners

Oh, cubes are the best

say the culatent scorners.

Donna JT Smith ©2022

~So what is the fake definition of culatent?~

Tomorrow is D..."donsul".  Yup.




Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday for a Triolet

Today is Sunday, so there is no AtoZ post.  It will resume tomorrow with the letter C.

But the Progressive Poem is progressing.  Go check out Catherine Flynn's Reading to the Core for the third line of the poem!  She's added an wonderful line.

When I read Amy Ludwig VanDerwater's triolet about not liking beets, I got the hankering for writing a triolet, and it had to be a response piece about how I love them.  See hers here: The Poetry Farm

I've written triolets before, but when I do, I still have to keep the format beside me in plain sight to keep checking that I'm not all mixed up!  I even marked this one with numbers and colors to be sure, AND then I used it as a way of showing my grandchildren the way you designate rhyme scheme when lines repeat.  So it was fun all around.

Pickled Beets

I really love sliced pickled beets
Bright burgundy and yummy
A blend of vinegar and sweets
I really love sliced pickled beets
They’re so much tastier than meats
Just ask my happy tummy
I really love sliced pickled beets
Bright burgundy and yummy  

Donna JT Smith ©2022

Triolets MUST be good brain growers!  Here's my cheat sheet with rhyme scheme.

Lines 1, 4, and 7 are the same
Lines 3 and 5 rhyme with 1,4,7
Lines 2 and 8 are the same
Line 6 rhymes with 2,8

1 I really love sliced pickled beets A

2 Bright burgundy and yummy B

3 A blend of vinegar and sweets a

4 I really love sliced pickled beets A
5 They’re so much tastier than meats a

6 Just ask my happy tummy b
7 I really love sliced pickled beets A
8  Bright burgundy and yummy B

Have a fun Sunday!

Friday, April 1, 2022

B and Progressive Poem

It's really Day 2 of April, but I posted early.  Skip down past the first poem with Burbositision if you are here for the Progressive Poem.

Intro if you haven't been here before: 

This month I am participating in the AtoZ writing challenge, which has a goal of posting a subject starting with the first letter of the alphabet on the first day, and ending with z on April 30 (excluding Sundays).  It is also Poetry Month in April, so my posts will be freshly written poems to go with the letter.  

I will be writing ekphrastic poetry using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated word all this month.  I am using the site "" to get both word and image for the day.   I am selecting a picture that I think can be associated with the letter of the day to go with the "Fake Word" I am stuck with.

Today is Saturday, April 2, so meet the letter B with it's preposterous word, "burbositision", and paired image.  So I need to use this fake word in a poem that goes with the image below:

 Burbs Building

its windows 
up and down
over under swerving
sharply projecting
piercing, curving
vining lining
waving watered walls
conceal meandering halls
burbositision at its best
is this nest
or jest?

Donna JT Smith ©2022
~So what would you say is the definition of "burbositision"?~

The second line, contributed by me is here.  Irene Latham started us off, with an intriguing first line taken from a book...THE IMAGINARIES: Little Scraps of Larger Stories by Emily Winfield Martin, so I did likewise....mine is a quote from Bilbo talking to Gandalf in The Hobbit - a poem for two voices?  Take the quotes out and move the line under if it doesn't fit the rest of "who knows how" it will go!
Where they were going, there were no maps; (Irene L.)

"Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not today.” (Donna S.)
And now on to Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core for line 3!

A is for Alized and Alps

April is Poetry Month, and the Progressive Poem is beginning.  It is being organized by Margaret at Reflections on the Teche and the first line of the poem is at Irene Latham's Live Your Poem (second line by ME tomorrow!).  I can hardly wait to see how this new poem added to and created by a team of poets will progress as it nears my day to add to it.  Meanwhile, I will be posting a poem a day as I participate in the AtoZ writing challenge.  I will be writing ekphrastic poetry (a poem that was written with inspiration from an image) using a randomly generated image with a randomly generated FAKE word all this month.  I am using the site: to get both fake word and random image for the day.  So far my plan is to use the first randomly generated word that appears with the correct letter for the day, and the first image that appears.  Having never used this site though, I don't know what images will appear, so I may "pass" on a picture that I don't like or feel is appropriate for my young mind.

My first start off with here on Friday, April "alized".  So I need to use this FAKE word in a poem.

Arise Alized

The lightning struck

the mountainsides

jolted, surprised

by lava skies

the mountain alized 

within itself

from crunchy deeps

to mineralized steeps

it smoldered long

mid rumblings strong

till morning bolts

replaced high volts

with solarized spears 

and chickadalized cheers

 those once quivering

have quieted shivering.

Donna JT Smith ©2022


There are so many ways to enjoy poetry this month!   Ready, set, GO!


Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

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