Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Horse

H is for Horse
One of my favorite animals.  I've always loved horses, but had to wait until I was married to actually get a horse of my own.  I think we owned 10 at one time.  They were mostly Arabians, with a couple of Appaloosas and Quarter horse blends mixed in to keep everyone humble.

Journée de Huit - day 8

Tagxedo Theme: Happy Brights
Font: Franchise (okay, I'm fudging a bit - it has an "h" in it!)
Poetry Form: Haiku: 
A Haiku is a type of poem with three lines consisting of 5, 7, 5 syllables - 17 syllables in all.  Variations of the number of syllables seems to be fine.  But I'm sticking with the 5-7-5 format.

(a totally h haiku...)
High hooved heraldic
Hurtling highest hurdles -
Humble humans hail. 

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
(favorite spring scene on the farm)
Mane and tail flowing
Streaking across fields, kicking,
Squealing, snorts of spring. 

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
(Do you recognize this saying that I've rewritten in haiku format?  Hint: It was used to correct your manners when you called out, "Hey!")
Hey! Hay! Hey!

Equines and bovines
Think this is delectable -
Not so for the swine!

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
Scroll down for the correct, traditional saying if you didn't get it...


the Real

saying is:

 "Hay is for horses, better for cows, Pigs don't eat it, 'cause they don't know how."


  1. Ha! No, I've never heard the Hey, Hay, Hey saying. Terrific, as are your haikus. All are good, but I love that middle one, and the line "Squealing, snorts of spring". I still also like that 'font' stuff!

  2. Very cute- I never heard the Hey, Hay verse either. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge blogs this month.

    1. Wow! You have to be doing a lot of blog hopping to get them all done! Glad you stopped by here! I'll check your site out, too!

  3. We live across from a horse farm where they raise American Warmbloods--they are beautiful to watch. Sometimes they board Friesians, which have to be my favorite work horse, intelligent, friendly and outgoing. I hear Martha Stewart has four.

    1. If I could just watch and breathe in horses all day, I'd be almost as content as doing the same by the sea!
      Thanks for stopping by! I've visited your site. Loved the story with two perspectives. And checked our Hobbes! That will be a nice keepsake and looks like a connection for your grandson.

  4. I love horses. I've ridden one once when I was younger.:)

    Great A-Z post!

    1. I guess it's time to try it again! Loved your helpful hook hints!

  5. Happy having read your horse haikus.

  6. Wow - you are having fun and providing such entertainment for your readers.

    1. Yes, I have been enjoying this A to Z Challenge - especially using the poetry theme!


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