Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Bike

Continuing my kid poems for each letter of the alphabet this month...
I bring you the letter B for Bike.


Tried so hard
to stay upright
the wheels went round
and round.

Tried so hard
to do it right
but landed on
the ground.

the bike stayed up
the ground stayed put

Rode and rode
that shiny bike
and put on quite
a show.

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith

I wrote this first and then forgot that I'd written it.  
I later decided to write a poem in Blank Verse (for B), and came up with this one, that is more from the adult perspective.  The font in the Tagxedo is Boston Traffic.  
I'm going to try to keep up the poem form by the same letter and the Tagxedo Font also by the same letter as long as possible.  We'll see.


Oh, bike of mine of blue and white and rust
For childhood’s journey you have been my friend.
We traveled far down road and lane until
You did not fit my seat nor feet again
Then to another one you’d go to be
Their trusted sidekick and good friend indeed
While I continued on at faster speed.

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith

So there you go.  I hope this trend doesn't continue and I have 3 for C and 26 for Z.  That would be quite a challenge. 


  1. Wow, not just one but 2 bike poems. So cute!

    Welcome to the Challenge!


  2. What a great post. I love how you connected tagxedo to your poem. The kid and adult version make for interesting connections.

  3. I had a blue & white Schwin. Wish I still did. I think it might be worth a bit. I saw a couple teaching their boy out in the park yesterday-the usual cheers, etc., but the boy would ride about 5 feet, then fall off. What a time for parents, until they have to teach driving a car, another bigger challenge. I love both your poems Donna, the rhythm of the first is just what you do so well, & to connect up with Tagxedo-very nice. The second is certainly more for adults, & brings back good memories. Thanks!

    1. Mine was a blue and white Schwinn, too!! I guess that was a pretty popular brand then. I named mine "Daisy". Did you name yours?

    2. I wish I could say it was Daisy, & I suspect I did name it. We also named all our cars. But, sorry, I cannot remember. I do remember decorating it for the 4th of July parade-crepe paper, flags on handlebars, etc. Fun to think about!

  4. delightful. Though when I think of my own boys and riding bikes, it's nothing as advventurous as it was when I was growing up, when people were actually home during the day and they could go roam. Kids just dn't do that anymore. The roam on the internet instead. it's a different world as sage friends remind me.

  5. Cool picture! I love the first poem. Nice work.

  6. 26 for Z! that is too much for me (I can barely think of 1)

  7. I'm impressed with your poetry. I think I used to want to be a poet when I was younger. That was until one of my college profs told me that my poetry was very excellent prose. heh
    He was right, though.

  8. Great job. Some letters just spark more ideas than others.

  9. 26 for Z is quite a goal! **wink wink** I enjoyed both poems. The first reminded me of the day I learned to ride my bike, though my bike was a small rusty hand-me-down from my cousins. Love "the ground stayed put / below." I enjoyed the change in perspective between the two poems. I always think it is interesting to try to write about something in a variety of ways. Looking forward to following your journey through the alphabet.

  10. Great post! Good luck with your goal. 26 poems for Z? Wow! :D

  11. I am really enjoying your "kid poems" and the way you are connecting them to an original tagxedo. Very creative!

    Mandy @ The Chockboard


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