Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U is for Umbrella

In the A to Z Challenge, we are writing about something to go with each letter of the alphabet, one letter a day through the month of April.  Today we're on the letter U.
My theme is poetry for ages 4 to 104.  In addition to writing at least one poem, I'm also incorporating a Tagxedo image with a font having the same letter, and the Tagxedo theme beginning with the same letter.  It isn't so easy with these last letters, so I'm getting creative with where the letter is found!
We are close to the end now!  But you can check out my other posts on the side.  Then head on over to check out those of other writers by clicking on the top tab A to Z Participants!

Font Style: Euphemia font - sorry, it has a "u" and is pronounced "you" at the beginning!
Tagxedo theme: You Make my Day - again, the first word has a "u" in it and the word "you" is for "u"!
Poetry Form: Eulogy - okay can you guess why I did a Eulogy?  Yes, there were no real u forms of poetry.
A little understanding, please, unless you can come up with unuther way I could have dun it!

Parapluie Eulogy

You had a handle,
Like a crook,
On being
A sharp shooter;
A wash and wear
Kind of dresser;
A runner extraordinaire,
Straight stretcher,
Strong ribbed,
Openly protective.
Ready to spring into action.
You were top notch
From your tip cup
To your open cap.
You silently and smoothly
Came to my rescue
Day after dismal day,
Even a brolly in the sun.
I tip my ferrule to you,
It is finally the end,
My drear friend,
U inside out

© 2012, Donna JT Smith

Click on the linked words to get definitions and a labeled image of an umbrella's parts!


Us - an acrostic

Usually unusually
Satisfied with life

© 2012, Donna JT Smith
I couldn't leave us out of it...


  1. Simply fabulous Donna. Who knew such a lovely poem could exist about an umbrella? Every word is perfect.

    Alana @ writercize.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks, Alana! I'm going to miss A to Z. Wish we had more letters in our alphabet!
      But you have some great ideas for keeping fit, so I'll be there to check them out next month.

  2. Wow, I really liked this umbrella poem! I like how you made into a eulogy, so clever! I liked how you said it's like U inside out.

    1. Thanks, so much for reading my poem! I'm glad you liked it! Hope you can stop by again to read some more!

  3. Oh my word, as if the Challenge wasn't hard enough, you added four levels of difficulty to yours! I am so impressed!!! Wonderful, wonderful post!!! I'm a follower!

    1. It didn't seem so challenging when I thought of it...it's just a good thing I already knew the alphabet, so that wasn't the hard part! Thanks for following, Elaine. I hope to post at least once a week on Tuesdays after April's challenge is over.

  4. I just recently found out that brolly was umbrella. Thanks for visiting my blog, Only 5 posts to go on A-Z.

    1. Only 5, I know...kind of sad! What will I do with my time? Clean house? Maybe it's time to start that novel...I don't want to clean house.

  5. Hi Donna, this is definitely one the most creative approaches to the challenge I've read so far, bravo!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. Glad You enjoyed it. I like your post.

  7. You painted such a beatiful picture with your poem of the umbrella...
    I like U inside out best!
    Are you going to bind these into a book? Have you decided yet?

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Amy! Yes, I believe I will... just not sure what route to go, but I think it's enough material to warrant a binding somehow.

  8. That first part (about the fonts, etc.) could be a poem, too, Donna! However, your real poem is absolutely marvelously worded as well as sneakily worded. Love that "A wash and wear/kind of dresser" and "openly protective". You are just a clever wordsmith! And I'm also glad you didn't leave out "us", an important part of "you". Sweet!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Getting down to the wire now. What will we do with our time after April is over? Maybe I'll have time to read a book or some more blogs!

  9. I loved not knowing some of the words and making guesses by the context. Your poems are absolutely the greatest. xo nanc

    1. Thanks, glad you like them, Nanc! If you want to check the meanings, click on the word umbrella and a diagram page will come up with those parts labeled.

  10. Oh, I really liked your poem. Wonderful. Great meeting you. :)

  11. Ferrule...how awesome that you used the word ferrule, such a clever poem. I am looking forward to X!

    1. Its the first time in my life that I've ever used ferrule, too! I'm learning new things each day with my poetry! I'm looking forward to X also. It was fun to create. I'll be interested in what you think it, so stay tuned!

  12. Poetry is intensified language and a great way to build students' vocabulary so I love what you have done with words - the linking out and the diagram.

    1. To me, that is such a plus for publishing online, the linking, the Tagxedo, looking up different types of poetry, being aware of fonts, researching, thesaurus work, etc. All of those things are available now to enhance the experience for a reader, AND expand the knowledge of the writer. I've learned so much doing this!

  13. Your poetry amazes me. I love that you have taken the ordinary and created extraordinary poems.

    1. Thanks, Elsie. After April, as with last year, I wonder if I'll be able to stop writing poetry all the time and get back to regular life!

  14. "U" inside out is priceless! What a clever poem! Funny that we both wrote about umbrellas! I like yours better! Julie

    1. Thanks, Julie! Will you keep blogging regularly after this month? Hard to keep up the pace of a daily blog, but I will be at it at least twice a week...Tuesdays and Fridays...then we'll see about the other days! Someone has to do some cleaning sometime!

  15. Your post was like a hearty bowl of oatmeal. Warm and filling and delicious. Loved the image.


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