Monday, April 23, 2012

T is for Turtle

Font: Little Trouble Girl
Theme: Timothy
Poem type: Triolet - A triolet consists of 8 lines.  The 1st, 4th and 7th lines repeat, and the 2nd and 8th repeat also.  the rhyme is ABaAabAB, with the uppercase letters being the repeated lines.
T is for Turtle

That turtle with the stripy legs
With shell to pull her head into
Digs a hole and lays her eggs
That turtle with the stripy legs.
Swims in ponds above the dregs
Tortoise is the next of kin to
That turtle with the stripy legs
With shell to pull her head into.

© 2012, Donna J.T. Smith


Turtles tuck their heads into the shell upon their backs
The snail does the same thing, too, but four feet is what he lacks.

Turtle have hard scutes that keep his inner body safe
So as he scoots on rocks and sand his tummy will not chafe.

Peering up from deep below the light shell blends with bright
Looking down the dark shell is as water dark as night

Faster than a poky snail, but slower than the hare,
If you look away and back, the turtle is still there.

I want one as a pet, "Mom, can I keep this little fella?"
"Sorry, dear, but Google says that they have salmonella."

© 2012, Donna J.T. Smith

Check here for turtles and salmonella.


  1. I always like both, Donna, but the triolet is just wonderful especially! I love the feeling that the repetition gives, "that turlle with the stripy legs..

    1. Thanks, Linda. I just noticed I'm late getting to bed! Just checked my email and noticed your comment and thought, "my post isn't up yet, I set it for midnight." But guess what? It's past midnight here! So much for getting to bed early!

  2. Great poems. I laughed at the end of the second. I'm a turtle fan!

    1. I loved when one of our local animal rescue groups would come to school to teach my first graders about ponds and they'd have some turtle shells, and a real live box turtle. The kids were so fascinated...I think, anyway...I wasn't paying attention; I was too fascinated myself!

  3. Two terrific turtle poems! We had pet turtles growing up and their names were Speedy and Slowpoke! Very creative "T" poems! Julie

    1. I remember when those little painted turtles were sold at the fairs. We always got one, and they always ended up living in our pond eventually.

  4. Aw, turtles are the best! Well done on the poems!

    Thank you for the kind words left on Karen's blog, btw!

  5. Great poems! Very clever and I too giggled at the end of the second.

    Laura Barnes @ LauraBWriter

    1. Don't you just love Googling every bit of knowledge you need...salmonella included?


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