Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I is for Ice Cream

So 4 poems for i today...take your pick!  But I pick "Ice Cream"!

Tagxedo Font: Impact
Tagxedo theme: Inequality
Poetry form: Imagery Poetry/Image Poem - Imagery intensifies the impact (hey, "Impact" again, like the font!) of the poet’s words as we are shown with words rather than the poet just telling us what he/she feels.

I is for Ice Cream

sweet taste,
cold lips,
cold tongue,
head aches,
but you lick again
that shivery goodness
with crunch at the end.
A flavor-tipped
makes you laugh
at the thought
of your reflection.
warm sun begins
the dripping,
down your fingers,
to your wrist
to your elbow.
drippy splots
appear as dots
on your shirt
as you
every last
melty, spongy
you wipe
your nose
your mouth
your fingers
your wrist
your elbow
not your clothes
that disclose
the close
with a

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
Overheard down at Five Islands Wharf by a tourist informing another person from away as they waited for ice cream after their boiled lobster dinner... 
"People in Maine eat ice cream ALL YEAR!"  

Yes, and your point is???  Because our point is: It doesn't melt as fast in winter. 
Our "no inside seating" Dairy Queen closes after Thanksgiving and opens again for February They close mostly so someone can sell Christmas trees on their lot, and so they can take a brief vacation, otherwise they'd be working 7 days a week/ 52 weeks a year.  But, not to worry, we can get our January ice cream at Friendly's in town, or at our one store in the village between the post office and the fire station.

Ice Cream Information:
History of Ice Cream
About Ice Cream
Cicada Ice Cream? 
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Getting itchy to climb?  Get itchy after a climb?  Will you grow out of itchy?


I started getting itchy
When I climbed the evergreen
My hands became so pitchy
That they never would come clean.

I had to climb that pine tree
With the nest up at the top
For I was getting itchy
For that egg to start to pop!

Curi-itchity won't fade
But it changes over time.
More careful ways are made
For an itchy, pitchy climb.

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
When I taught first grade I incorporated sight, sound and touch to remember our short vowel sounds.  We learned and used the ASL hand sign for i and made a scratching and itch motion with our little finger on our eyebrow, saying the /i/ sound, for "itchy eye/i" to remember the sound.  Then I had them read lots of short i words...some are in here in this nonsensical poem of short i words:

Itchy i 
has lots to say,
when it can play,
in words each day.
Itchy i
is in a hill,
is in a drill,
will not sit still.
Itchy i
will flip a lid,
will trip a kid,
will slip and skid.
Itchy i
picks up a pin,
sticks to a fin,
kicks any shin.
Itchy i
did sink a ship,
did drink a drip,
did clink and clip.
Itchy i
is sipping milk,
is spinning silk,
is without ilk.

© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I don't know what this is all about...it just came out.  Sometimes you just write stuff and read it later.  Maybe it will sound good then.  I'll read this again later.

Bigger below than above
Layers of snow
Glacial ice
Bigger above than below
Layers of leaves
© 2012 Donna J.T. Smith
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Some good i words:
illustrative, insomnia, indigo, inherently, illogical, insightful


  1. We are big ice cream fans here! We have a favorite camping spot that includes a trip to an ice cream shoppe on the way home! My favorite part of the trip!

    1. It's good to have an ice cream stop on your way to or from somewhere special. Just adds to the specialocity of it!

  2. How fun. I love the poem on ice cream.

    1. Thanks! Love your haiku poetry! There are some haiku on H and I think C from the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I'm writing poems for all the letters.

  3. Very good I love your word art it adds an interesting layer to your poetry. I think I missed a day.

    1. You'll have to go back and catch up! The word art has been fun. Had to draw the ice cream cone for Tagxedo and put in the Impact font locally.

  4. I enjoyed reading all your poems; thought the iceberg one was very clever but the icecream poem was well received in our house - a home of all-year-round ice-cream eaters:)

    1. Ice cream is just one of those "gotta have it" foods! Glad to hear we aren't the only ones who love it year 'round!

  5. Impressive how one letter brought about so many poems. Ice-cream is my favorite. The flavor-tipped nose and laughter has to be part of eating an ice-cream.

  6. We spend a delightful long weekend in Maine on a brief visit to cousins in New Hampshire - bitten by the bug and want to (plan to!) return! We ate lobster (a novelty for us as it's very expensive and less tasty in our as-far-away-from-the-sea-as-you-can-get home in the dead centre of the UK!) - but alas, no ice cream! I'd better put that on our 'to do' list when we return! ;-)

    BTW - thanks for dropping by my blog recently - happy A-Z'ing!

    SueH I refuse to go quietly!

    1. Well, you NEED to come back. Boiled lobster dinner, then an ice cream! It's the law!

  7. Love your drippy ice cream poem!

    1. Thanks! I've got to get over to your post today, before it's tomorrow!

  8. I love your shape poem of the ice cream cone. I've noticed you use this form and really want to know what program you use to creat the shape and move words around?
    PS I LOVE the Itcy I poem - that should be published!

    1. The word shapes are made in Tagxedo at http://tagxedo.com. You can go there and look for the word 'Create' on the left side of the page to start. Ignore the right side with blanks to fill in. There are shapes to choose from, colors, fonts, and you type in the words you want to use. Play around with it. If a shape isn't there that you want, there is an option to import your own image, which is what I had to do with many of mine. You can save the image you've made there to post or print, or whatever you'd like to do. Fun! Give it a try...free.

  9. Icecream...and I'm showing it to my second graders. We just read an icecream book in group yesterday. I love the alphabet idea. xo

    1. Oh, good! That's just who it's for. If you print it, please give credit. I am going to be gathering up the poetry and putting it together in a book.

  10. Donna,
    I love all of your "i" poems. First, the ice cream, our family loves ice cream! We always celebrate birthdays by going to the Dairy Queen or another local ice cream shop! Your poem specifically reminds me of the year my son turned 3-he had chocolate ice cream, and by the end, just like in your poem, it was dripping everywhere-you painted a wonderful portrait with your words! I haven't been back to your blog since the cow post, you are doing such an awesome job with your A-Z challenge! Woohoo! I think you should bind the posts and create a book when you are done!
    Keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I have been told a few times now that I should compile my poems into a book, so I'm going to try that. I'll have to do different pictures if I publish though, as the Tagxedo images are copyrighted. Guess I'd better sharpen my paint brushes!

  11. Donna,
    I believe this is my first visit to your blog and I am glad I stopped by today. Love your i poems and the fun that you are having with the A to Z challenge. Our soft serve place stays open year round too! That shivery goodness with the crunch at the end! I love that line and may have to go for a cone today...small twist in a sugar cone! Looking forward to more. My fourth grade poets will love to read your poems too. ~ Theresa

    1. Thanks! I'm having fun with this, and do hope to consolidate them into a book of poems at the end. Please DO share with your kids, and let me know what they think! It will help me decide on which make the cut.

  12. One little letter...and all this deliciousness. Awesome!

    1. Hi, Tara! It's hard to write about ice cream when I'm not eating it!

  13. Just terrific to see all that about ice cream. You took the first poem from first lick down to the crunchy cone at the end, with drops in between-terrific. I like that Itchy poem-'itchy and pitchy' are so right for the climb, and so difficult to clean. Loads of fun here, Donna! (and still the font continues)

    1. The fonts are getting skimpy...hope I can pull it off! I may have to make my own font somehow at some point!

  14. I had fun licking this post from top to bottom. Yum. :9

    1. Hi, Jama! Glad you stopped by for ice cream today! Coffee is my favorite, along with chocolate and mint chocolate chip, and mocha...maybe I should list the ones I DON'T like. It would be easier!

  15. I love how the letter "i" inspired you! They are all great poems, but my favorite is "itchy i." I always enjoy reading your a-z challenge posts!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Mandy @ The Chockboard

    1. I taught all the short vowels with hand signs and motions in first grade, and the kids really picked up the sounds so easily that way.

  16. Replies
    1. I assume you are talking about the ice cream and not the iceberg lett-ice!

  17. Ice cream what a wonderful focus. Right after I finish this comment to you I will be reaching for my frozen yogurt. Bravo to you for this second challenge

    1. The best I have here today is some Dole's frozen fruit bars...

  18. Well I vote for iceberg poem seeing as its the anniversary of the Titanic sinking but my favorite one to hear in my ear is the itchy 'i'.

    1. The "Itchy I" one was just a whim as I sat diddling around on the computer.

  19. Hmmm, I never heard of a seasonal Dairy Queen.

    1. All the Dairy Queens in Maine (as far as I know) close for the winter. Most have no indoor seating and it gets cold eating your ice cream outside...and you get ice cream on your mittens!

  20. love this! who does not love ice cream???


    1. A person who does not like ice cream, is a person I don't know.

  21. My favorite poem is the Ice Cream one - but I am so awed by ALL the poems inspired by the letter I. You MUST compile your alphabet poems in a book. What a variety - it will be a fabulous collection!

    1. Thanks! I've decided I probably should put them in a book. Not sure what route I'll take yet, and I'll need to redo the pictures, as they are all Tagxedo. But I guess that's all do-able. Just never done-able.

  22. Love your poems & glad I came by for an ice cream hit :o)

  23. you wipe
    your nose
    your mouth
    your fingers
    your wrist
    your elbow

    Love the repetition

    a wealth of writing. A nice start to my day. Thank you.

    1. Ice cream always starts a day off right! Don't even try to tell me you haven't had it for breakfast before!


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Z is for Zoetic

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