Friday, April 20, 2018

S is for Speed and Sedoka

I am participating in the A to Z Challenge this month, and today's letter is S.

I have spent the past year-ish taking pictures of Maine vanity plates when I encountered them - most all in shopping center parking lots.  I am writing a poem for each one, and this year the poem form begins with the same letter.  I found 3 Maine vanity plates for today, and chose a Sedoka.

The Sedoka is an unrhymed poem made up of two three-line katauta with the following syllable counts: 5/7/7, 5/7/7. A Sedoka, pair of katauta as a single poem, may address the same subject from differing perspectives.


Head perks up, ears twist,
Pausing in midstride, snort, stomp,
White tailed warning to the herd

Legs blend with saplings
Agile, invisible speed
Blurring tranquility’s space.

by Donna JT Smith, 2018

There is no A to Z on Sunday's...see you Monday!


  1. Short and sweet and speedy to skim :)

    Thanks for writing and celebrating the letter S!

    As always, thanks for reading,

    Sarah Butland
    author of Being Grateful, Being Thankful

  2. I continue to be amazed at all the different forms of poetry that you find, and write! Your writing is enjoyable as poetry should be. Good stuff.

  3. Another wonderful poem. I ma learning different forms of poetry from your blog. Thank you!! :)
    Jui Positive Cookies

  4. So many unusual vanity plates, I do laugh when I see them. Good idea to photograph them, but I'd never do a good job on the poetry as you. I also wrote an A to Z on All About Nancy Drew.


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