Sunday, April 8, 2018

H is for HBRGRL and Haibun

Oh, so many plates for H today!!!  But I picked HBRGRL!  I love it and it worked so well for a Haibun.  What is a Haibun? It combines short prose with a haiku.  Though a haiku doesn't have people in it, mine does... oh, well, sue me.   Click here for more info.

Visit other H blogs in this challenge today HERE.

  Here is the MASTER LIST of ALL participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!
Harbor Girl

There are girls and women who work at sea alongside their grandfathers, fathers, husbands, and brothers.  There are some who work on their own boats.  And there are women who stay at home and keep house and the books for their men who are out on the boats.  Whether they are on the water or on land, our harbor girls are a hardy lot.

gritty sand and salt
every surface layered
harbor girl's face glows

by Donna JT Smith, 2018


Here are the other H vanity plates.  This was a difficult choice to make, there are so many good H vanity plates!


  1. Even my Haiku had people! A great post again
    Coming here from Atoz challenge.

    1. Yeah, technically a haiku should not have people, and should reference a season somehow. I have taken liberties with this form!

  2. Powerful Haibun. Girls keep the world going :)

    MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

  3. I'm not used to these vanity plates so it's good to get a translation! Loved the haiku - very evocative.

    Jemima, blogging from A to Z on my writing inspirations

    1. The more of them you see the quicker you get at the translations...most of the time anyway!

  4. You've got so many great things going on here! I started visiting because you were from Maine and at first I was interested in your vanity plates. But now, I'm really loving all these different kinds of poetry!

    1. I enjoy reviewing the types of poetry and the challenge of writing to a format. I'm so glad you drop by!

  5. Harbor Girls sound like strong, resilient women!
    I love the Hoo Ville Plate. How fun!
    Once Upon a Time

  6. I had to puzzle over a few of those vanity plates. H2OK9--love that!

  7. Great theme, great poem - all hard working girls rock!

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on the WEP's contribution to the A to Z - GENRE!


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Z is for Zoetic

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