Sunday, April 3, 2016

Free-B Day

It is Sunday!  A Free-B day!  No A-to-Z today, but when you have extra plates, you might as well pass them around!

First up, I'd like to share some poems written in the comments for plates of A.  I asked people to write their own poem for any of the license plates on the page that I had as extras, and I got quite a few!  So here you go, in case you didn't see them on Friday:

Anchor down, hold tight
as the wind roars, and you'll find
you're whole at storm's end

by Tabatha Yeatts, all rights reserved

Donna's Anchor-D
Donna is great
Donna's the queen
of the license plate!

by Violet Nesdoly, all rights reserved 

R U Awful 2?
4ever she said
U R 2die4 i said
I 1-dred where she was 2nite
Dood tried to run
Too l8
She's mine 4ever.
R U Awful 2?

Colin Smith, all rights reserved
My aunt was awful
at reading maps,
but give her your hand,
and she'd weave
a wondrous trail.
by Margaret Simon, all rights reserved
My Aunt
Got stuck
in the back
of the long pack
and got off the beaten track.
Now everyone knows that a map is what she needs by her vanity plate.

by Carol Varsalona, all rights reserved

found my groove
alto sax with ocean flare
driving to the waves

by Brenda Harsham

These were so much fun!  I'm liking this part of the A-to-Z!  
Next week on Sunday, I will again round up the poems created this week, if anyone feels inspired by a license plate!

And now for my own daily poem - 
This one was actually my first poem for B, but then I found the "Bam Pow" plate and liked that one for my B offering better.

People with vanity plates need to be clearer in their intent!  Soon after writing this, I realized that this plate was really about bow hunting, not the bow of a boat. 
Too late.  I'm not changing it now.  No time to rethink it.  So it is a girl on the bow of a boat.  I could have done a poem about a masthead.  That would have been good.  Maybe someday.

Mark it with a B for BOW GRL:

Lobsterman, lobsterman what do you see?
I see a lobster looking at me.
Lobsterman, lobsterman, who do you be?
A woman, a woman, please call me 'she'.
I'm not a shell seller
by the seashore.
I'm a she sailor
by shores I adore.

©Donna JT Smith, 2016, all rights reserved

#NaPoWriMo #imagepoems

Please B so kind as to put your link in your comments so that I may easily locate you to pay your blog a visit!   Thanks!


  1. I've missed the first ones, but will try to catch up. fun that you mis-took the meaning, but you are a boat person, so I understand. Those final lines are true tongue-twisters!

  2. I like this bow-of-the-ship girl! She's spunky!

  3. I like all these odes to travel plates. :-) I love the "shores I adore." That's how I think of Maine.


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Z is for Zoetic

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