Saturday, April 16, 2016

A to Z on a Plate - N

It's Violet's turn to add a line of the Progressive Poem at Violet Nesdoly!  You MUST check it out!
Today is N in the A-to-Z Challenge.  This should be NUF STUF to find a poem and NAILIT, NANNY - even though you are not necessarily an NFL-GRL.

Twinkle-winkle northern star
I can see you from afar
You have squelched the night time fears
Drying up my childhood tears
Sprinkled through my tender dreams
Rays of hope and love it seems;
When my heart if full of doubt
I just have to look about;
Turn my eyes to skyward nightly
Where I'll see you twinkle brightly.

©Donna JT Smith, 2016, all rights reserved

See you tomorrow for a plate of O!

Please leave a comment and put your url or link in your comment, so I can jog on over to your site!


  1. I love looking up at the stars at night. They are quite comforting.

    Weekends in Maine

  2. Hey there buddy,
    I love watching the stars at night and always had a liking for the north star since i ever got to know its significance in the birth of Jesus Christ.. All the best for the Challenge:) Looking forward to read your posts during April.
    Stopping by today as part of the #AtoZChallenge Minion Activity :)
    @sneha_sasi from
    Life As a Potpourri
    Am a Minion for Holton's Heroes

  3. Love your star rhymes. It's school vacation week for me -- nonstop fun! I'm a bit late, but here's my N.

    dialing Orion
    calling Cassiopea
    dreaming of North Star

  4. Oh, how I love this poem! I would like to have it in my memory so that I can sing it to the stars when I walk in the early morning dark! One of your best ever, I think!!


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