Saturday, April 9, 2016

A to Z on a Plate - H

Visit more sites in the A-to-Z Challenge, where everything is about H today - Day 8! (#atozchallenge) 
Today line 9 in the Progressive Poem is written by Margaret at Reflections on the Teche.
I am writing a poem a day for NaPoWriMo (#NaPoWriMo)
and linking up with Margaret Simon's sharing of poems inspired by an image. (#imagepoems) 
 H is heavy on our plates today.


weighted, grounding us,
our anchor holds fast below
ever moving seas

©Donna JT Smith, 2016, all rights reserved

wet nose reminds us
that water's second nature;
mud brown eyes sparkle


Anyone up for this one?  Poem anyone?
See you tomorrow for a plate of I!

I am posting any poems written in response to the extra license plates on Sundays when there is no letter for the A-to-Z Challenge.  Last week's poems submitted by commenters may be found at this link: Surplus Plate Poems here!
Do YOU have a vanity plate beginning with the letter E?  
Let me know in the comments!  Or just comment.  
I like those, too!

#atozchallenge #NaPoWriMo #imagepoems

Please put your url or link in your comment, so I can easily jog on over to your site!
Please leave a comment and put your url or link in your comment, so I can jog on over to your site! 


  1. You always make me want to write poetry!

  2. Love the nautical interpretation of Heavy Metal, and all of the wet words in H2O K9 (especially the mud brown eyes)!

  3. Two poems! I think I like the wet nose best. :-) Here's my aitch:

    heart of stone
    each tear and hole like
    heavy metal

    It's been fun doing all the letters. I hope you have a stellar weekend.

  4. Ahahaha! I love the approach! Poems about license plates--what a great theme! I adore the dog poem!


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Z is for Zoetic

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