Friday, April 1, 2016

A-to-Z on a Plate - A

Today the A-to-Z Challenge begins!
And it is Poetry Friday with Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at The Poem Farm!
 It is also Day 1, Line 1 of the Progressive Poem!
It is Day 1 of NaPoWriMo, too!
Margaret Simon is Tweeting poems written in response to images this month!  Add 'em if you have 'em - #imagepoems
Additionally it is "I am so thankful to be retired on April Fools Day" Day!
My A to Z this year has a theme again.  This year I got the idea of photographing license plates - vanity license plates from A to Z.  It's A to Z on a Plate!

So first course, of course, is the letter A.  Here are some Maine vanity plates that begin with the letter A that I've found over the past half year or so.  I'll select one to write a poem about since April is also Poetry Month.

Want to try your hand at a poem from one of the plates I've collected?  
Do YOU have a vanity plate beginning with the letter A?  
Let me know in the comments!
Or just comment.  
I like those, too!

Today's poem is a haiku to celebrate all the artists we have residing in Maine.

beckoned to create
where wind and waves sing and dance
weaving through fingers

© Donna JT Smith, 2016

Leftover vanity plates with an A:

My own vanity plate!
See you tomorrow for a plate of B!

Leave your link in your comment so I can jog on over to read you!




  1. How cool. Love the haiku and it will be interesting to see the plates for the other letters as well!

  2. This is a very cool theme. Like LuAnn, I look forward to seeing the other plates!

  3. Fun! You imaginative creature, you.

    1. Some call me imaginative...others addicted, obsessed, a little crazy?

  4. What a great and fun idea. By the time were'e done, I will have found one for my car!

    1. I wish I could find the local plate I've seen before ages ago with "PB4UGO" on it. Obviously a family car!

  5. I love your theme! License plates can be so much fun to read!

    Stormy’s Sidekicks!

    @LGKeltner from
    Writing Off the Edge

    1. I'm having trouble not taking too many pictures. Not sure I can stop myself!

  6. So clever! (And here I was reading "plate" in your post title and thinking food. On second thought--What could be better than the proverbial "food for[poetic]thought"?) Am looking forward to reading all the delicious A to Z poetry plates you serve up this month! God bless you!..Go for it! Happy Poetry Month.

    1. Oh, good! I'm glad you picked up on the plate meanings!

  7. Anchor down, hold tight
    as the wind roars, and you'll find
    you're whole at storm's end

  8. What a cool idea! And you have plates for every letter? This I have to see! :)

    As to your challenge:

    R U Awful 2?
    4ever she said
    U R 2die4 i said
    I 1-dred where she was 2nite
    Dood tried to run
    Too l8
    She's mine 4ever.
    R U Awful 2?


    1. way 2 go!
      And yes, I've picked up a plate for every letter, plus extras on almost all!

  9. My aunt was awful
    at reading maps,
    but give her your hand,
    and she'd weave
    a wondrous trail.

    Thanks for the shout out. Love your w alliteration!

  10. Here's a whimsical touch to Aunt Map for National Poetry Day, Donna. (Thanks for the brief fun.)

    My Aunt
    Got stuck
    in the back
    of the long pack
    and got off the beaten track.
    Now everyone knows that a map is what she needs by her vanity plate.

    1. Wish I knew the true story, because that could very well be it! Thanks for playing "Poem that Plate"... or is it "Vanity Insanity"?

  11. What an amazing collection of As. A+ job!

    found my groove
    alto sax with ocean flare
    driving to the waves

    What fun!

    1. Oh, good one for ALTOSAX! I'm going to post these on Sunday!

  12. Donna's Anchor-D
    Donna is great
    Donna's the queen
    of the license plate!

    Love your eclectic interests, Donna. You're truly a Renaissance woman!

  13. I love your A-Z THEMED challenges!! Who knew you could find vanity plates from A-Z?!?! Kudos for your powers of observation!

    1. It's been amazing and fun to find so many vanity plates. I even found more today that I couldn't pass by! Addictive!

  14. You are so clever! This is really neat. I love that plate and think the word "beckoned" is so beautiful. What a fun project and way to explore A-Z in a whole new way. Happy Poetry Month! xx

  15. This is so clever, Donna! I love your homage to Maine, "where wind and waves sing and dance."
    I didn't plan on joining in, but this popped into my head as I glanced out the window:
    Snow on daffodils?
    Too awful to contemplate.
    Sun, please melt it soon!


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