Thursday, April 12, 2018

L is for LAUGH and Limerick

Lee Bennett Hopkin's Birthday....Suh- prize!!  It's a happy birthday day to Lee Bennett Hopkins!
And we are all having a happy, hoopla of a day to celebrate!
Limerick, anyone?  I think these two poem have both subjects covered today!

There once was a poet named Lee
Who dined often on lobster and tea;
He'd dream then in rhyme
Which cost him sleep time
But sometimes his verses were free.

by Donna JT Smith, ©2018
Which takes us to LAUGH:

Happy Lee-day

There are often times
That bring tears to our eyes
And tears to others as well,
But isn't it great
When the tears are of joy
And everything ‘bout it is swell.
This is one of those times
When the misty eyes smile
And we get to have cake,
Goodness sake!
So spoon up ice cream
And get out the knife
For it’s time for some Lee birthday cake!
Sprinkles aplenty
Adorn all the sweets
Ooooh, I want the frosting rose!
I’m watching my diet
As it goes to my waist
But at least it won’t drop to my toes.
So bring on the sugar
The sweetness and bliss -
Mayhaps a poem or two!
Oh, our misty-eyed wish is
For the happiest day
And so many more for you!

by Donna JT Smith, ©2018

Also happy L day of A to Z, and Poetry Friday hosted by Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge.
See you there!  Bring your own spoon!


  1. Your "Happy Lee-day" is delightful, Donna. So convenient for "Lee" to fit into your A to Z schedule :)

  2. Such perfect combinations of everything, Donna - "L" day, and those very fun license plates, and your special poems for Lee! Thanks for all. :0)

  3. Your limerick is awesome! Love that free verse line. Ha!

    1. I have to admit that I giggled when that came out!

  4. Hi Donna,
    The limerick & license plate & Lee - a treat for Letter L Day & for us.
    Wish I were with Lee & Charles when they read it. I predict he will memorize the limerick!
    And the Happy Lee-day poem - so creative. And you
    delivered on "mayhap a poem or two," with charm
    all around. Love.

  5. "Lobstah" and "Laugh" makes the perfect birthday wish, Donna. Your poems are perfect for this grand celebration. That second one is a terrific laugh, love it!

    1. Thanks, Linda! I'm going to make a concerted effort to get to Lots and Lots of bLogs today! It seems so much has gotten in the way! (Can I ever NOT rhyme...) But truly, it seems that I am out of step and out of touch lately. So much for "Flourish"! Time for a dollop of whipped cream!

  6. Limericks always make me smile...and so do the words hee hee!

    1. Oops! It looks like I'm trying to take credit for someone else's awesome blog. Although the link above goes to a great website and you should definitely visit it, it does not go to MY blog...This one does!

  7. Kismet that today should land on "L," huh! I enjoyed your fun birthday poems, Donna, and yes, bring on the sugar! :)

    1. As Monica (on Friends) would say, "I know!" Lol! Funny, but when I see "Kismet" I see "Kermit". That probably says something about me...

  8. Donna, you brightened my day and surely Lee's day with your delightful combination of poems.

  9. Pure delight from beginning to end, Donna. Your poems made me smile and cheer. Thanks so much!!

  10. Such fun poems to bring to the party! These are delightful.

  11. How fun that you wrote two poems specificaLEE for this occasion! (Sorry. couldn't help myself.)

  12. Best line? "Ooooh, I want the frosting rose!" That takes the cake! :-) My sister and I always "hosied" the frosting roses. -- Christie @

    1. Lol! Yeah, that rose on the cake was hard to divide up among the 4 of us! So we didn't usually have one!

  13. Replies
    1. I truly hope you had a wonderful day! We all were honored to be able to take part in your birthday celebration!

  14. Lovely Laugh-filled Lee Letter L poems Donna, thanks for all the smiles, and the funny license plates too!

  15. So many creative and really funny poets! I'd fight you for the frosting rose! And would only hope that it would drop to my toes!

    1. Ha! Imagine if those extra pounds always went to our feet. I guess instead of changing clothing sizes, we'd be buying new shoes and socks!

  16. Well, Happy Lee Day to you too! Since Linda starts with L, I consider it a special day for me as well. I love your limerick! And, I don't mind a big piece of virtual can have the rose if I can have the chocolate corner piece.

  17. Your poems are such fun, Donna. My sister, who is five years younger than me, always called dibs on the frosting roses and I always let her have them. Now you've made me want a piece of cake!


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