Monday, April 18, 2016

A to Z on a Plate - O

Today is day 15 of the A to Z Challenge.  I've photographed and alphabetized vanity plates from our local area in Maine, and am writing poems to go with one for each letter of the alphabet - plus and extra on Sundays, since it is National Poetry Month and I'm committed to writing a poem a day for April.  I am also linking to Margaret Simon's challenge to write a poem in response to a picture each day.  Most pictures are a bit more "picturesque" than mine, but it is still a picture!
#atozchallenge #NaPoWriMo #imagepoems

It is also the 18th day and 18th line for the Progressive Poem, the brainchild of Irene Latham.  The newest line is here at her very own site today!  Visit Irene at Live Your Poem.

I had my sights set on O2GO2C, and ONWORDZ.  I had fits and starts.  I had nothing.  I was tired.  I went to bed.  I woke up.
O was still a problem.
An Odious Problem.
An Ornery Problem.
Onerous, Offensive, Obtuse, Octagonal.
Okay, not Octagonal.
O2 just write something that made some sense....
OK to the rescue.


Is it okay
To feel today
Like I have nothing
More to say?
I hope it is
For here I stall,
No more to give,
I’ve given all.

© Donna JT Smith, 2016, all rights reserved

See you tomorrow for a plate of P!

Please leave a comment and put your url or link in your comment, so I can jog on over to your site! 


  1. I like your ok (smile) Enjoy the rest of the challenge. Blessings

  2. Terrific blog! Delighted to have found you through the A to Z Challenge!

  3. So glad I'm not the only one! (Although it hasn't actually happened this year...yet!!)

  4. Cool plates! People can be so creative with vanity plates.

  5. THanks for sharing the O plates. I like 000WHEE the best. Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

  6. It's OK
    you have plenty to say
    it's another day
    hip, hip hooray!


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Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...