Wednesday, April 17, 2019

O is for O2GO2C #AtoZ Challenge

It is day 17 of National Poetry Month. I am writing poems every day in April.
It is also the month of the AtoZ Challenge, and my 8th year in participating.
Combining the two, I am writing poems based on Maine vanity plates I've spied this past year.
The AtoZ does not have a letter for Sundays, but I will post a non-vanity plate or extra vanity plate poem on that day.
Today is day 15 of the AtoZ, and we are on the letter O.

I did not find a plate this year for O before we moved. But for 2016 I had this one in my collection:

O is for O2GO2C:

 Oh to Go

I've had landlocked days,
I have them still;
but, oh, to ride
the waves
the night 
falls fast
and gulls at last
retire and hush their calling -
away the mountain,
trade the glen,
turn from creek
to ride 
upon the waves that crest
and bend
drawing back
to sea 
and when
too long my soul
has been adrift
no anchor aft nor fore
 my wish is
to go
to sea,
onto the
rolling sea

by Donna JT Smith ©2019

 And these were some others.  If you saw my 2016 AtoZ, you saw these extras.


  1. Ooo... that's a good one! And shaped like the waves! Brilliant!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Glad you like it! I'm finally back on my reading and commenting routine today!

  2. I don't think I'd have figured that out on my own.

    John @ The Sound Of One Hand Typing

    1. L ots of ocean inspired plates - maybe you have to be a coast dweller to recognize them! It's also a bit like learning to read a first grader's get used to the language after a while and how they write it. LOL!

  3. Oh what a fun theme. I love this. :)

    1. Glad you stopped by - and that you are enjoying these poems on a plate!

  4. I am enjoying ALL of your poems, as always. This one especially speaks to me. I am not nearly as connected to the ocean as you are, but I do love the wind and water - and waves - at the beach. And the ideas about our lives, woven into the symbols of the sea, is perfect. Especially when are souls have been adrift too long ashore. Deep thoughts and much to ponder here. What a beautiful poem!


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