Thursday, April 4, 2019

D is for DA BLUES #AtoZ Challenge

Welcome!  If you are here for Spiritual First Thursday, it is HERE!  This is the AtoZ Challenge for letter D.  You are welcome here, also!

It is my 8th year in participating in the AtoZ Challenge, and it is also National Poetry Month, so I am writing poems from A to Z based on Maine vanity plates I've spied this past year. 

Since it's the 4th day of the Challenge, we are on the letter D.

D is for...

Da Blues

Ain't got no coffee;
Can't have me caffeine.
Ain't got no muffin;
Wheat spoils my routine.

Doughnuts is right out;
Can't do da sweet!
Can't go for a walk;
Bunions killing my feet!

Things are too high up,
Can't open da jar,
Neck won't turn 'round
To help back up da car.

Can't read da fine print;
Eyes won't refocus.
Da way life is going -
I expect to see locusts!

Can't heft much more
Than da fork and da spoon;
At least I have that,
But I might not real soon!

What else can malfunction?
There's not much more left.
If I were a singer
I'd croon, "I'm bereft!"

So all da world hears
of my bodily woes -
da numerous aches from
my head to my toes.

I could tell of da things
 that have lately befallen -
Misadventures and more
so sadly appallin',

But I needn't fret,
Though all of it's true.
Ain't got no reason
for singing da blues.

No woebegone tale
of life's falling apart;
For I still have a lap
And there's beats in my heart.

My dog's still beside me,
She loves me a lot.
I still have a bed,
da roof and a pot.

Da sun ups and downs
Tide leaves and comes back,
And I'm still a'breathin' -
Ain't nothing I lack.

by Donna JT Smith ©2019

PS: I don't have bunions...this is a poem not a biography...though I do have trouble turning my head to see out the back window of the car...that's what mirrors and cameras are for...and I really can't have gluten and I DO have a dog who seems to really like me.

An extra "D" plate
Have a DDD-lightful day (that's triple delightful)!


  1. Ha! Rediscovered your blog again this AtoZ. I believe you had the same theme last year and I loved it. This poem is a such a rhythmic write. I was bobbing my head as I read along. Love the optimism and positivity at the end..

  2. I enjoyed that! Such a positive attitude! I need to remind myself of the good things some days. A roof over my head and a loving dog(s) are two I relate to here!
    I wonder what that last plate is? I thought it might be Danger something, but then it looked like Dan Granger.


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