Saturday, April 6, 2019

F is for FEMALE #AtoZ Challenge

Welcome! Today is day 6 of the AtoZ Challenge, and we are on the letter F.

It is my 8th year in participating in the AtoZ Challenge, and it is also National Poetry Month, so I am writing poems from A to Z based on Maine vanity plates I've spied this past year.  The AtoZ does not have a letter for Sundays, but I will still post poem on that day because it is National Poetry Month -  every day needs a poem!

F is for...

Here's my poem for today - a limerick/acrostic for FEMALE:

Feisty, fabulous and fascinating;
Exuberance elegantly emanating;
Mild mannered or mischievous,
Alluring, adventurous, she
Lives her life large and

by Donna JT Smith  ©2019

For a bit of extra fun, here are the runner-ups for F:

Come back tomorrow, for a special Sunday G poem, and then the AtoZ G poem on Monday!
And click here to go to the link up list of other AtoZ Participants.


  1. Sounds like you, Donna!
    "Funner" next?

    1. Lol! I almost put “funner” in there with the F line...

    2. How about first line...
      "Forever funner and fascinating"...
      If I hadn't done an acrostic I could easily have stuck FYT2WIN in also...see what you've done...Maybe some Sunday I'll try that! Thanks for the seemingly innocent challenge!

  2. I like that take on Female!
    I am still amazed at how many different plates you find for each letter. I have to open my eyes more I guess.

    1. Maine's vanity plates are not as expensive as they are in some states, so it encourages the use of them. We rarely see out of state cars with vanity plates visiting Maine - and we get plenty!

  3. What a fun and unique theme! I don't see nearly that many personalized plates here in CA.

    1. Glad you dropped by! No, most places don’t have as many vanity plates as Maine does. They’re like bumper stickers here! They all say something about the owner.

  4. Glad to see you're still doing your creative poetry!

    1. Yeah, poetry seems to be my thing now. I did a daily poem last month on a private FB page, so they aren't all posted.

  5. Great A-Z Theme! I like to look out for vanity plates, but I don't photograph them! (Or write poems about them.)
    Black and White: F is for Fur-Bearing Trout


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Z is for Zoetic

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