Friday, March 31, 2017

SOL Ends and Poetry Friday

SOL17 and Poetry Friday:

Today's poetry is being hosted by Amy at The Poem Farm!  So make sure you drop by - you are invited.


Just after dawn
dreams scatter without a trace
somewhere in my brain;
 Morning redolent with nature,
 I hear a call so perfect -
 the sound of a bird - 
Is it red bird from his branch?
You wait patiently;    
that splash of pink 
across the sky -
      color into a crescendo of light
just right, but fading be
from the sky above
like a balloon being 
popped but no one hears.
There is so much to admire
before the sun sets;
bless the eyes 
and the listening ears.

Last week I put up a Scavenger Hunt challenge of finding the words to a poem using the clues to their location.  The clues were listed on a padlet that can be found through the link at the top of the page, or by clicking on it in the side navigation.

The poem above, is the poem I created with the lines in order, but not necessarily with the breaks where the original lines were.  The lines could be left just as is, with punctuation added, or with the words flowing in order but not necessarily on a separate line for each.

I believe Linda Baie and Joy Acey Frelinger were two that I heard from that completed the scavenger hunt.

Here are the blogs, the clues, and the words:

A Teaching Life  P 1 L 1 W 1-3 Just after dawn
Friendly Fairy Tales  P 1 L 3 W 1,2 dreams scatter
RainCity Librarian P 1 L 12 W 3-5  without a trace
Michelle Kogan P 1 L 1 W 1-4   somewhere in my brain
Random Noodling P 5  L 2 W 2,3  Morning redolent
Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme P 2 L 41 W 3,4  with nature
Robyn Hood Black  P 1  L 9  W 3-6  I hear a call
Write Time  P 1 L 13 W 1,2  so perfect
Kurious Kitty’s Kurio Cabinet  P 1 L 15 W 2-6  the sound of a bird
Whispers from the Ridge  P 1 L 6 W 1-7  Is it red bird from his branch
Today’s Little Ditty P 1 L 2 W 1-3  You wait patiently
TeacherDance P 1 L 7 W 3-9  that splash of pink across the sky
Jama’s Alphabet Soup P 1 L 28 W 4,5  color into
Live Your Poem  P 1 L 12 W 1-4  a crescendo of light
Robyn Hood Black  P 1 L 2 W 3,4 just right
To Read To Write To Be P 1 L 17 W 7-9  But fading be
Poetry for Kids Joy P 1 L 27  W 1-4  from the sky above
Reflections on the Teche P 3 L 11  W 1-5  like a balloon being popped
Poetry for Kids Joy P 1 L 22 W 1-4  but no one hears
A Year of Reading  P 1 L 5 W 1-6  There is so much to admire
Kathryn Apel P 1 L 12 W 1-4   before the sun sets
A Year of Reading P 1 L 8 W 1-7  bless the eyes and the listening ears

Thank you for playing along with the Scavenger Hunt!  If I do this again, I will make it shorter.  I really wanted to see how many different poems/blogs I could get in, and do it as quickly as possible!  There are lines and words I would change if I were to do it over.  But it is intriguing still as a poetic exercise.  Try it!  Post your clues on the padlet. I'd love to give it a go!

This is the last day of the Slice of Life Challenge.  Except for missing the first two or three days, I made it through the month.  I had decided that I wouldn't have time to post every day this month, so I was going to skip this year.  Then I thought better of it, and began my posting just before the deadline.  And I'm so glad that I did.  There were days when I couldn't get around to as many bloggers as I felt like I should, but then there were days when I got on a roll and let clothes wait in the washer before getting a ride in the dryer, or let the dirty dishes pile a little higher.

There were some great blogs this year.  What a joy to read!
I wish I remembered whose blog I went to that got me to Worcester yesterday.  Someone had gone to see a display of Ed Emberley's work, and I commented about wishing that I could see it, and that we didn't really have much around us.  I Googled Ed Emberley to see where his work might be displayed, in case it would be a moving display.  When I did, lo and behold, I discovered it was right close by-ish in Worcester, MA at the Worcester Art Museum and the showing was until April 9.  I immediately determined that I would go there!
And I did!  What a wonderful educational and inspiring display!  My husband and I both enjoyed our impromptu "field trip", made possible by the SOL community!  How awesome was this to make a date out of a blog reading!

The Progressive Poem begins on Saturday... I'll put the links up here to keep track of where the poem is headed for its next line.  Irene Latham is the organizer of this fun event!

A to Z Challenge begins tomorrow also, on the first day of Poetry Month!

For those who are wanting more day by day stuff happening, there will be a new challenge that opens up on the first of April.  It is the AtoZ Challenge.  You write to a letter of the alphabet, starting with A, going in order to Z, one letter a day, starting with A on April 1.  No posting is done on Sundays though.  That way all the alphabet is complete on April 30!
Here are some links if you are interested in participating.  Your link is put in the comments each day JUST like you did for the SOL challenge.

This year I am continuing my quest for vanity plates starting with each letter of the alphabet.  I think I have just about all of them now, and a few more.  I have my poem ready for Saturday.  I think, as much as I'll miss the SOL and March, I'm ready for the next chapter! 

Blogging from A to Z
or Blogging from A to Z (Wordpress Site, if you have trouble linking on the first one, go here - it's a duplicate site)

The gracious hosts of the A to Z Challenge are:
Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Alex J. Cavanaugh @ Alex J. Cavanaugh
eremy Hawkins @ Hollywood Nuts
Heather M. Gardner @ The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Zalka Csenge Virag @ The Multicolored Diary
John Holton @The Sound of One Hand Typing
J Lenni Dorner @ Blog of J. Lenni Dorner
Here are some pages from other years doing the AtoZ... just to get an idea...
A is for Arms - I did this in 2012 using Tagxedo and all the words from my poem about arms.
A is for Amy Sue - This was 2013 using lobster boat names. 
A is for Animal Hide & Seek - I featured books by Maine authors.  Dahlov Ipcar was my first, being from our town.  She died earlier this year.  Her art and books will be treasures forever. 
A is for Airport - Signs that were strange or funny that I found in 2015
A to Z on a Plate - I found vanity plates in Maine and wrote a poem to each.

I can see the earth this morning!
March is ending like a lamb here.  I'm looking forward to the green beginning in the midst of all the white and browns of winter.  Every day there is a new patch of dead brown leaves or grass showing.  Can't be far off now!
See you in April!


  1. I am always so happy to read your writing, so I am glad you found the time to slice this year. Not just the time - the energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and encouragement. Looking forward to your upcoming poems!

  2. Oooh! I like how your scavenger poem turned fun to see my red bird included!

  3. I like how your poem turned out, Donna. Such a fun idea. Glad to see my "dreams scatter" in such fine company. :-) Now, back to my novel! Work! Work! Work!

  4. Interesting challege! Your poem turned out great,Donna! So many challenges, so little time...:)

  5. What a fabulous idea, and what an honor to the writers featured here! Those last four lines could be our mantra for this love-work of finding poems and listening. Thank you. Peace and Poetry to you next month! x

  6. I'm with Amy about those last four lines. Good luck with your challenges! I am busy pondering my contribution to the Progressive Poem...

  7. So fun to be a part of your scavenger hunt poem!!! There's so much going on for Poetry Month, I can't wait to immerse myself in it all!!

  8. What a fun scavenger hunt poem/challenge, Donna! The lines fit together perfectly. =)

  9. It takes a poet's eye to see what you saw in each blog and to put together a poem that stsnds all on its own. Brava! Thanks for including me, too!

  10. I love your poetry and am so thankful you sliced with us this year. My students are still talking about "that one teacher who wrote all those poems on our blog". What a gift to us. I know you will continue to create your poems so I will continue to pop in every once in awhile to see what you are writing. Thanks again!

  11. I seem to have lost my file with my poem Donna, so I could check it. It's a fun challenge, but it did take some time. I like your creation! And I love that you went to see Ed Emberley's work. I used to have all his books for my children, and then at school. I left them there, but they really were great. See you in poetry!

  12. I'm saving the scavenger hunt for my Spring Break, Donna - after the grading ends. I love the poem you shared today, such a beautiful closure:
    There is so much to admire
    before the sun sets;
    bless the eyes
    and the listening ears.

  13. I think you're the Energizer Bunny, Donna! So much on the go. I'm looking forward to your vanity plates again. They were fun last year!

  14. Donna, this scavenger hunt poem is amazing! As Tara mentioned, those last lines are breathtaking. I love that you were inspired to head to the Wooster Art Museum. I can't count the times I've driven through that city on my way to Maine! It's only a couple of hours from me, so now I'm thinking I might have to drive up there to enjoy Ed Emberley's exhibit. Thanks for the tip!

  15. The scavenger hunt poem is incredible. It is a lovely image and highlights so many talented poets, too.

  16. I'm shaking my head in awe at your scavenger hunt poem! You rocked the challenge!

  17. The scavenger poem is wonderful; wow, looks like a great art exhibit too!


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Z is for Zoetic

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