Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tomorrow's Poem

Tomorrow I will post the Scavenger Hunt Poem for Poetry Friday!

Tomorrow is the last day in March.  I can hardly believe it.  March has gone by rather quickly.  Though I don't like the late snows of March that well, I do sort of hate to see it go.  I like the month of writing and reading, of visiting and having guests over.  The SOL community is such a welcoming and fun group to be a part of. (yes, I know that's a preposition at the end)  I wish it could go on forever.  But I know we'd most likely run out of steam eventually. 

For those who are wanting more day by day stuff happening, there will be a new challenge that opens up on the first of April.  It is the AtoZ Challenge.  You write to a letter of the alphabet, starting with A, going in order to Z, one letter a day, starting with A on April 1.  No posting is done on Sundays though.  That way all the alphabet is complete on April 30!
Here are some links if you are interested in participating.  Your link is put in the comments each day JUST like you did for the SOL challenge.

There are all kinds of blogs and posts happening for the month of April.  I have done this challenge for a number of years now, (oh, just looked it up - started 2012) combining it with Poetry Month, writing a poem a day in April.  This year I am continuing my quest for vanity plates starting with each letter of the alphabet.  I think I have just about all of them now, and a few more.  I have my poem ready for Saturday.  I think, as much as I'll miss the SOL and March, I'm ready for the next chapter!  Onward to A!  Oh, it would have been so awesome to find a license plate that said "APRIL"!

Blogging from A to Z
or Blogging from A to Z (Wordpress Site, if you have trouble linking on the first one, go here - it's a duplicate site)
The gracious hosts of the A to Z Challenge are:
Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Alex J. Cavanaugh @ Alex J. Cavanaugh
eremy Hawkins @ Hollywood Nuts
Heather M. Gardner @ The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Zalka Csenge Virag @ The Multicolored Diary
John Holton @The Sound of One Hand Typing

J Lenni Dorner @ Blog of J. Lenni Dorner
Here are some pages from other years doing the AtoZ... just to get an idea...
A is for Arms - I did this in 2012 using Tagxedo and all the words from my poem about arms.
A is for Amy Sue - This was 2013 using lobster boat names. 
A is for Animal Hide & Seek - I featured books by Maine authors.  Dahlov Ipcar was my first, being from our town.  She died earlier this year.  Her art and books will be treasures forever. 
A is for Airport - Signs that were strange or funny that I found in 2015
A to Z on a Plate - I found vanity plates in Maine and wrote a poem to each.


  1. No wonder you had to retire! You have a full time job just taking writing challenges! I can't believe how quickly March has gone, but I am going to like the extra hour I'm going to have when I'm not reading as many slices as I can. There are just too many great writers out there and I feel like I'm going to miss something if I don't click on as many blogs as possible.


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Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...