Sunday, March 26, 2017

Geese Murmurs


This morning as I took the dog out at the cold, gray crack of dawn, I could hear the geese gathered past the trees, at the foot of the hill, at the river.  They were murmuring in those low almost human "voice in the distance" sounds they make.  It sounded as if they were quietly taking attendance.
"I'm here.  You there?"
"Yup, I'm here.  Where's Joe?"
"Joe, who?"
"You know."
"Oh, yeah.  He's here."
"I'm over here."
"Hi, Joe."
"Babs with you?"
"Yeah, she's here."
"All here."
"Yup, all here."

And then quiet.
They must have determined that they are all accounted for after the dark night.
No coyotes had supper here last night.

Then there were the crows. They'll have their day here tomorrow.

Have a good day.  Touch base with friends today.  Make sure they know you are here and all is right.  Then take a nap.

I wrote a poem today about the geese, but decided not to publish it here.  Maybe you will read it someday when I become a famous poet and my book is in your library.  Or maybe just my grandchildren will read it.  That's good enough for me.


  1. I would love to take a nap. Ten minutes until I head home from school for the day. I just checked out 100 poetry books from the library for our poetry unit. Perhaps one day a particular poem about geese will be among them, or one about your grandchildren, OR one about a fantastic grandmother!

    1. Ha! Maybe someday it'll be in a book somewhere.

  2. I appreciate how you heard beyond the annoying honking of the geese. Living on a lake I hear these sounds all the time. Its good to think of the sounds in a new way.
    Just the other day my post was about geese - must be that time of year when they return in all their glory!?

    1. The loud honking is kind of annoying! But sometimes it is just this low "conversation" onst themselves. That I like.

  3. The words you gave the geese show their thoughtful side. I have not heard that myself. They honk loudly here in TN. Maybe I should be a better listener.

    1. This seems to be their morning or evening conversation in low tones. The kind I like. Maybe they are quieter in Maine as they meet on the ice!

  4. I hope for a nap this afternoon, but am off to the bookstore to be with my student volunteer. Another volunteer will run the store. Love this poem about geese too, Donna. They do 'gab' away, don't they?

    1. Yummy nap! Hope you get o e in today. They seem such a luxury!

  5. This made me laugh, Donna - love the way you imagined this back and forth!

    1. They do just seem to be checking in with each other - taking a head count!

  6. Wonderful imagined convo with the geese! We live near a pond so Canada geese are always nearby. I love to hear their almost-mechanical honking. I do hope you publish your poem and become famous.

    1. Oh, I will surely be famous someday! Lol! I hope it's for writing or some other good thing!

  7. I could completely imagine this conversation between the geese. We used to have a cabin on a lake in Montana and I think Babs visited us there once. I remember the other geese asking after her. Fun poem!

    1. Smiling here, Shelly! Love that Babs has visited! Too funny!

  8. As an artist uses paint, you have used your special words to paint a scene Donna. I like the way you also ponder possibilities at the end concerning your future with poetry. Dare to dream...

    1. A book would be nice, but for now it's just important to keep writing!


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