Saturday, April 1, 2017

ABUNDNC #AtoZChallenge

Welcome, April! Welcome Poetry Month!
Waking to Maine's April Fool's Day... just a little joke for spring....
Surprise... one more time...

Hooray! It is the start of the A to Z Challenge!  And this year I am again posting vanity plates in Maine.  Because it is April, National Poetry Month, I'm going to write an acrostic, a haiku, or some other type of poem that I don't even know yet.  But each will be based on the letters, the word or the words on a license plate.

The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except Sunday.  On Sunday I will post a bonus plate - one I've found that intrigues me.  It may be a duplicate letter or one that starts with a number instead of a letter, but still has a message for us.

There are themes galore being done.  If you are interested in reading more A to Z posts, go to Blogging from A to Z to read through the links and see what other posts interest you.  Take a peek.  Spread the love of our alphabet around!  If you want to see which AtoZers I've visited each day, check out the AtoZ tab below the blog title or go here AtoZ Challenge on Padlet

Please leave a comment here!  Maybe you have a vanity plate and would like to tell me your story!  When you comment here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  You can do that even if you aren't in the AtoZ.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!


...I am going to assume this is "Abundance" - no spaces, one word.  And this is the poem for this lucky person's plate.  I never got to meet this person, so I don't know why they chose this word to put on their vanity plate, so I get to make anything up I want.


Sufficient, it is, enough, even more;
a gift one might deem as riches "galore";
tho' abundance exceeds just deserts, I am sure,
it may simply mirror the life that's in store.

Donna JT Smith, 4/2017

Here's a link to last year's AtoZ Challenge post with more A vanity plates and a poem: A Vanity 2016.
See you tomorrow, though it will not be an AtoZ post.  We take Sunday's off.  But I will have a filler post and poem!  Monday will be the letter B.

Don't forget to check out the Progressive Poem that starts today with Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe!  The schedule is on the right navigation.  I will be up later in the month - the 21st - to add a line.  This year is focusing on making sure it is a kid's poem, so it is sure to be fun to read and keep track of its progress this month.  Heidi already has her line - the very first line of the poem - posted:  

I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges --

We are on our way!


  1. You are off to a good start, Donna! I'll add your blog to those I check regularly. Sue returning your visit Sue's Trifles

    1. First to visit for 2017 AtoZ! Have a great ride! I'm looking forward to checking in on your next post!

  2. That's interesting, a theme quite new to me.

    Name: Eva
    Blog: Mail Adventures
    #AtoZ Challenge Theme: Postcards
    Letter A: Adventurers. Because any postcard is a little adventure, isn't it?

    1. This should be a good theme! I love postcards, and have sent quite a few. Let me know if you need one from Maine! I'll get one out to you!

  3. I look forward to watching this one develop! :-)

    1. Thanks for dropping in! Lots of great vanity plates in Maine!

  4. Lovely license plate!
    May we all be satisfied & blessed with abundance on our life's plate.

    Thanks for sharing my blog's link with Ann :)
    *The Explorer Of Miracles*- A For 'Angry' #AtoZChallenge

    1. You are welcome! It was an easy fix...and an easy mistake to make! I will see you on Monday!

  5. May our lives be full of abundance.

    Thanks for sharing my post's link with Ann.
    *A For'Angry' #AtoZChallenge - Anita/The Explorer Of Miracles*

  6. This is a great, hilarious theme! I was having trouble figuring out what that meant. ABUNDANCE, now I get it!

    1. Yes, with a 6 letter restriction on most plates, some people get pretty creative... wait until the letter P...

  7. Fun theme! And I would have preferred snow to my daughter's prank, taping faucets so they spray you in the face. Oy vey!

  8. Time to see what you find this April, Donna! Love your juxtaposition of the words here: "tho' abundance exceeds just deserts, I am sure," Happy writing!

    1. I don't get over to see you as often as I need to! I will try to do better this month!

  9. I, too, find vanity plates entertaining. Great theme. Enjoy April!

    1. Nice to meet you, Claudia! Hope to read more of your blog on Monday!

  10. That's a great idea, to celebrate Maine in poetry. the licence plate is Awesome. Or Awful, depending on your taste!
    Jemima Pett with a guest Astronaut!

    1. Thanks for the return visit, Jemima! Can't wait to see what your B post is about!

  11. Will drive by here often, Donna, to catch the plate poems, A-Z. It is clever car cuteness.

    And since I've been feeling an overflow of abundance lately in spirit & good mood. I love the
    one you selected.

    As for the abundance of snow, isn't each flake like a tiny little star, so you've given us a lovely
    image of a star meadow. . . And all to soon, you will be waiting again for the first snow star fall as the season's abundance returns.

    Happy Poetry Month!

  12. This is a fun theme. I happen to adore your beautiful state!

  13. What a fun theme! And what a nice landscape for April 1 :) We have friends in Maine, so often compare weather, as I live on the CA coast!
    The Ninja Librarian

  14. Excellent choice! I love a good vanity plate.
    J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer
    2017 THEME = Speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.


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