Thursday, April 13, 2017

KILNJOY #AtoZChallenge

Notes about this challenge:
The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except on Sundays.
To find more A to Z Challenge blog posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post. Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Read.  Comment. Spread the love of our alphabet around!
If you are commenting here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!
If you want to see where I've visited, click on A to Z Challenge in the tab at the top and it will take you to a padlet of links.  If you want to see yours there, visit me.  If you are doing the A to Z Challenge, I'll visit you and link you.

Joy of Clay Vessels

Pot created
Of muddy clay
Tossed and
Every inch
Rounded and
Yielding to fingertips,

Kittled, then kindled
In fiery oven
Loess becomes

Jar, bowl or
Other vessel
Yearning for filling.

by Donna JT Smith, 4/13/2017

I got to talk with the people who had this plate - hadn't heard of it before.  It is a dance.  Kizomba.  Here's the link.

1 comment:

  1. I went to a sleepaway camp in my preteen years where I would watch a potter work. I didn't want to feel the clay myself but I so loved to watch the pot grow and take shape on the wheel. Visiting from A to Z Alana


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