Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday - Mewsday

Noah thanks you for your kind words on Caturday, and has requested another day.  Today.

My husband was kind enough to hold this roll up for me.
I need wrapping paper.  Where did I put my wrapping paper?

"Perhaps you don't have any."

Yes, I have some.

"Well, maybe you don't.  Maybe you need to get some."

Why would I need to get some?  I bought some just a little while ago.  I just don't remember where I put it.

"Well, it will be too hard to find now.  Maybe you should go buy some more at that store near my cat food store."

Wait.  I remember.  I put the roll under my bed.  Just a minute.

"I think you should not look there.  That's my area under the bed.  It is too dark under there for you to see anyway."

What's this?  This was my new wrapping paper!

"Oh, is that it?"

Yes.  This is my wrapping paper.  It has holes all through it!  What did you do?

"Ripping.  Ripping paper.  I thought you said 'ripping' paper.  So I did."

It's wrapping paper - for wrapping presents so they look nice.

"I think it looks quite festive myself...let the good times roll and all that."

This is going to be hard to put a good spin on, Noah.

"Oh, speaking of "spin", could you put another roll of white paper on the thingy in the bathroom.  We seem to have run out."


  1. Our family loves puzzles, too - so much conversation takes place over the putting together of puzzles, right?

    1. Yes, great conversations - such a relaxing activity.

    2. This is a comment that was supposed to be yesterday at:
      I have no idea how the glitch happened.

  2. This is a lovely piece. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Gretchen!
      This is a comment that was supposed to be yesterday at:
      I have no idea how the glitch happened.

  3. This is hilarious. I love how the cat is peaking at it from the side. I'm a cat person and I'm pretty sure my cats would be having this same conversation!

    1. He seemed almost proud of his work when my husband held it up for the picture!

  4. Sooo funny! I love the imagined conversation between you and your cat. That Naughty Noah!

    1. Oh, we have lots of conversations, Noah and I. Sometimes I can tell he's irritated at me for putting words in his mouth, so I have to be careful and listen closely!

  5. You are so funny. Thanks for the smile.

    1. It did come out in a very nice pattern of holes!

  6. Love that "ripping" paper. Guess you might have to find another storage space for yourself, Donna.

    1. At the very least it is going to have to go in a covered box! That wasn't the only roll of ripping paper he got to!

  7. Your blog post about wrapping paper reminds me that I need to get a new wrapping paper organizer. I bought mine years ago from Lillian Vernon and the zipper has completely busted on it, which has caused wrapping paper and bows to spill out of it and all over my hallway closet.

    1. Evidently after 43 years living with a variety of cats, I guess we finally have to put the wrapping paper under wraps! Time for a closed box.

  8. That Noah is a saucy little fellow, but don't tell him I said that. I doubt he'd like that. I love the voice your pets have. Must be quite an interesting house. The ripping paper made me laugh.


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