Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Day 28

Quickly, an update.
My glucose level is no longer in early diabetes range. It is totally in the normal range.  Blood pressure continues to be quite low.  By that I mean under 120/80. It's around 106/70 most of the time. 
And I'm down 27 pounds since December 14th.  I am feeling very well aned need some new clothes. I am taking in seams now, waiting a bit before getting anything new. I have another small person to lose before settling in on a size and new wardrobe.

But I did get a new skirt for Easter! I felt pretty colorful!

Then another random note about yesterday.

As we drove to church, there on the side of the road just over the edge of the road embankment a bit, was a Bald Eagle, snacking on something tasty. He must have dropped something because they just don't go scavenging.  I've seen them soaring in the skies here, but never on the ground and this close!  Close enough to see his eyes. What a gorgeous white head!  And huge!
I would SO love to have been able to snap a picture!  But I was grateful to have had the privilege of seeing him.  He would have been easy to miss if I'd not been idling gazing off to the side of the road just then.

Bald eagle breakfast;
Everything just tastes better
When fresh picked yourself.

You will just have to think your own image!


  1. Donna, congratulations on your test results. You look very springy in your outfit. I have never seen a bald eagle in nature up close so the sight must have been awe-inspiring. Breakfast anyone?

    1. It was so surprising to see him just right there, up close and in to speak...

  2. Oh my! I would LOVE to see a bald eagle. I recently took up the hobby of bird watching. Currently, I am trying to attract finches to my yard.
    I'm so impressed with your weight loss and resulting improved health. Good for you!!! That takes willpower and dedication.

    1. I don't care how many times I see a bald eagle, it is always awesome!
      My diet has been an easy one to follow. Yesterday's jelly beans were the hardest thing to sit and watch being devoured by friends' children. Other than that, I'd been off wheat since October for a gluten allergy, so cutting wheat substitutes was easy. High fat has been easy to take! Who doesn't love bacon, sausage, burgers, omelets and nuts? Oh, and the occasional latte M';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -=;;;;;;;;acchiato at Starbucks? Okay...that was Noah on my computer again! Just felt the need to add some letters to my comment.

  3. You are looking great! I had to laugh when you said you still need to lose a small child. As for the eagle, all I can say is WOW! that must have been some sight!

    1. I have a ways to go, but I'm on my way! And yes, that was quite a wonderful sight to start my Easter Sunday!

  4. I'm glad you are working on your health and feeling good. Bald eagles are magical.

    1. Still plugging away at it!
      Bald eagles are so great to spot. Their nests are huge.


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