Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I've Avoided This Post

My old fashioned scale that is incredibly accurate and consistent, and weight a ton!

I have avoided this subject even though it is such a big part of my life, and has been for a long time now.  It was something I could do something about, but it never seemed to work, until recently.  It wasn't something I was proud of, but I'm starting to not feel so bad about it, now that I've found I CAN do it!

Back in December, about the 14th, I decided I would make some changes in my life.  I've struggled with weight for the past 25 years or so.  I was in wonderful shape in my 30's - trim and worked with weights, barely an ounce of fat on me.  But a couple of injuries and stressful moves around the country got me off track, and I did plenty of stress eating and plenty of not getting out to walk or do weights. 

Little by little, ounce by ounce, pound by pound, weight piled on.  A back injury from high school began plaguing me and walking became a painful chore most of the time, and even standing still for too long set my muscles into spasms.  It became difficult to figure out HOW to lose weight, as nothing really seemed to work without hunger and exercise.

This past December though, the threat of being in early Type 2 diabetes and perhaps having cancer, set my mind straight and put me on a better path.  I have been in the process of changing my eating habits and getting physical therapy for my back.  These two changes (and the sudden disappearance of my "two-doctors confirmed" lump) have led me to a different place than I ever imagined I'd be today.

As of yesterday morning I have lost 23 pounds in under 3 months.  I am eating well, and never hungry.  I can stand to iron my husband's shirts without having to take a break to uncramp my back muscles.  And I can walk the aisles of the grocery store without having to take frequent breaks to lean on the cart and stretch my back (ok, maybe a couple - but not as many).

When I fell going up the stairs just a while ago (that I posted about earlier) it was because my long skirt was just a little longer on me than it used to be!  I've discarded it until I can take it in and shorten it!  What a nice problem to have.

I feel better than I have in ages --oOOOOhhhhhhHHH! (does that look excited?  because it is!) My doctor took me off my blood pressure medication!

I still get periods of numbness in my middle back and muscle spasms off and on, but I have more therapy to do, and am optimistic that things will improve even more.  But if they don't, I can live with this.  I just have to remember to limit my lifting to a few dishes and a toothbrush and limit my food to steaks and bacon.  I think I can do that.  Easy-peasy! 

I'm on my way to a healthier, trimmer, me who can enjoy her children and grandchildren better.  Hey!  I'm getting a lap again!  All the better to read bedtime stories on!
PS for those interested in the hows:
If you are interested in what I'm eating, I have pretty much gone by "Eat Bacon, Don't Jog", and it is working amazingly easily!  The pounds come off without any hunger, mood swings, heart palpitations, etc.  And I'm not doing the exercises in the book.

(I don't sell this book or have any interests in it - I just want you to know what has worked for me: Dec. 14 - Mar. 8 = 23 pounds lost) 

And I'm using a "Jawbone Up" wristband to track my sleep patterns and steps (esp. since I have trouble walking long periods or distance and want to see how I'm improving), and I have the app "My Fitness Pal" on my phone. 

The wristband is really not necessary, but I wouldn't have been able to do this as well or as easily without the app "My Fitness Pal".  I'm sure there are others out there. But the free version lets you set your goals, keep track of weight, keep track of foods and % of carbs, proteins and fats, along with the calories.  It is amazing!


  1. Congrats, Donna! Happy for you!

    1. Thanks, Tabatha. I debated putting this up. It's more a validation or recognition of me, by me, for me by publishing it. I don't think I'll post again about it, as I don't think I everyone wants to hear about weight loss victories! I know I never wanted to. But it was something I thought I needed to do at this point in my trek. Maybe I'll post again at 50 or making my goal. There's still enough pounds to shed before I'm done.

  2. Good for you. My weight has been creeping up since I went to grad school 10 years ago. Suddenly, it seems, I'm 10 pounds heavier than last year at this time. I've been taking baby steps and your post has been very helpful.

    1. I can vouch for the fact that following the food recommendations and the percentages of carbs and proteins works. I eat about 65% fats and limit the other two to combined, less than 50%. The My Fitness Pal shows me what I've had and I can put in what I'm thinking of having and let it tell me if I'll be all out of whack on the percentages before I eat it! I make adjustments throughout the day. This has been THE BEST weight loss experience I've ever had! And I'm still not really getting much exercise. Walking is what I will do if I'm feeling up to it. And I feel more and more up to it each day.

  3. Congratulations on losing those pounds. I must say, eat bacon sounds appealing.

    1. I eat bacon, sausage, beef, salmon, veggies, salads with high fat dressing, heavy cream in anything and cheeses. It's a good, fast, makes sense diet!

  4. I'm celebrating with you, Donna. And am so proud of your determination to make your life better. You have yourself to consider, of course, but those grandchildren too! Congratulations, hope you continue to feel better.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I'm looking forward to being able to sit a grandchild on my lap easily! Books will be even more fun!

  5. This is wonderful, Donna! I completely relate to your journey. I, too, was in great shape in my 30s to early 40s, and then a health/emotional crisis hit my family. I quit exercising and started gaining weight. Suddenly, the thin person I always was had disappeared. I've recently taken back control of that, too. It feels great. My weight loss is happening much slower than yours, but I'm excited nevertheless. I'm cheering for you! Health is so important, and as long as we can control good health, we should!

    1. Hang in there! We always just want to be headed in the right direction, no matter the speed! Congratulations to you for getting on track again!

  6. congrats. I think it is wonderful that your are making progress. I share your battle and plan to check out the book. thanks.

    1. You will LOVE it! Even if you never get to the body strengthening portion. It is an immediately rewarding method and one you can do forever pretty easily. Hope

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! This is a wonderful accomplishment in and of itself, but it also affects so very many aspects of your life. You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your good news AND for telling us how you have done it.

    1. I've been excited to see the weight come off and to see the results of my physical therapy, but for some reason I have trouble telling people about it. It's easier now, but probably because the results are significant and not slowing. I think I just had to have the confidence that it was really happening this time!

  8. Congrats! Losing weight is really, really hard as I too have struggled my whole life as well. I think being healthy is something most of us work on ;-) Best of luck.

    1. Thanks! The nice thing this time, is that it doesn't seem hard to do.

  9. Congrats! I've struggled with weight all my life and it's become a bitterness in me that I really need to work on psychologically. I always applaud anything anyone that loses weight because I know how hard it can be!

    1. There were many years when I had a hard time accepting myself for myself. A little while ago, I had just given in and said, "well, this is me - take it or leave it". Then with some health issues and the encouragement of my daughter and son, I decided to do it for them and not my self-esteem. Somehow that changed everything.

  10. You have every right to celebrate your success. I am cheering to you!

    1. Thanks, Terje. I'll post off and on about progress. I have a ways to go!

  11. Good for you, Donna. Congratulations on a healthy lifestyle plan.


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