Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Slice Prompted Memory

It is Wednesday again, and the 16th SOLC day!  Join in the reading fun at Two Writing Teachers where the list of Slices is posted.

Yesterday, someone posted on the funny things kids say, and it put me in mind of a couple of things my oldest said when he was younger…

Here’s one of them:

One summer afternoon, my somewhere between 8 and 10 year old son came in hot and sweaty from playing hard outside.  He asked me if he could have some water, and I, being a wonderful mom, gave him a nice cold glass of water and watched him gulp it down.  He wanted another, being as spent as he was, so I refilled his glass.  Before downing this one though, he looked at me, and in all seriousness stated, “I think I have a drinking problem.”

I assured him that he didn’t, and he should drink all the water he wanted.

BTW:  Noah had a quiet night.  The monsters must have been too upset to return for a second assault.


  1. LOL! This is a good one, Donna. I'm glad you recorded it for posterity.

    1. I do wish there had been blogging back when he was a young child. I didn't write everything down like I thought I would, and now I only remember a few things. At least most of my grandson's quotes are on texts right now. I'll have to glean them before they get lost somehow!

  2. Little kid stories are the best, and so fleeting, so easily forgotten.

    1. I hate that I want to remember some things and they are just gone before have captured them.


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