Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday - Just so you know

Day 20 of Slice of Life Challenge, and I am on my way to a busy first day of the week.
My Books of the Day

Sunday is my down-time.  Well, it's an up-time, too.  But I just don't blog on Sundays.  I will link this early before setting out to church.  Church is a whole day thing for me and my husband.

We leave the house by 7:30 at the latest, to drive just over an hour - 72 minutes.  We stop for breakfast along the way.  At about 9:15, we arrive at church. If I'm to sing that day, I rush upstairs for a quick practice with my sister-in-law, the pianist.  After that I go back downstairs and I prepare for my Sunday School class of 4 to 6 year olds, getting crayons, scissors, or whatever else the lesson requires, set out for them.

After Sunday School I, go back upstairs to greet people, and nod to my husband who works the soundboard recording the sermons and posts them online.

I file in with the other choir singers to the back room so we can go over the music quickly before the service begins.  I sing in choir, I sing a solo or with a quartet, and then go down to sit and listen.

Because the preacher is also my brother in real life, I am often in his childhood illustrations - like the one about me cheating in school to get good grades because I brought my books home to study in... while his were left at school or out in the rain in someone's backyard.

After the service, we run to the grocery store to pick up a dessert (which I don't eat now), and any other things that might be missing from our meal my sister-in-law has cooked.  Then we head on over to the house to eat.

After eating we talk or start singing.  My brother learned to play the guitar when he "borrowed" mine as a kid.  Now he can play guitar, mandolin, banjo....very well!  I got stuck in elementary guitar and stopped playing in high school.

By 4:30 we are headed back to church for choir practice.  And at 6:00 the evening service begins.  We leave church at about 7:30 pm to head home.  We often stop at Wendy's where I get a Junior Baconator - no bun, single, with cheese, lettuce on top and bottom, so I can pick it up to eat.  Yum!

We get home somewhere between 9 and 9:30 pm.  It's a long day, but somehow I never tire of it.  Somehow I always come home with more energy than I had leaving.

This has been my life on Sundays since 2001... just so you know.

I wish I could do it, but it's difficult for me to leave comments on Sundays.


  1. That is a long day, but fruitful and fulfilling, it sounds. The story of your brother and your guitar had me smiling ....

    1. I'm supposed to be ironing my husband's shirt by now! Coffee is made... Dog goes out next...just linked...gotta run! Thanks for dropping in so early! Have a great day!

  2. What a wonderful, busy day. I can see how this would rejuvenate you and your spirit for the week. Busy day but worthy for your attention and time spent.

  3. I agree with Kevin, your brother and the guitar made me smile. My family lives in Southern California now, so I felt myself missing what it would be like to have my brothers nearby. This is how a day of rest (well sort of) should be.

  4. A day that fills your soul from early morning to evening. Every moment is filled with joy.

  5. Ah, those darn cheating siblings! How wonderful that your fulfilling day includes song and family. Enjoy!

  6. I love that you take this Sabbath day to really be a part of your church community (and family, too!) Enjoy your day of (sort of) rest. :)

  7. what a beautiful slice about your Sundays. enjoy!

  8. My dad is a preacher. He lives too far away for us to attend his church now; but I remember those days of Sunday school, church, family lunch, evening service. This slice brought back some wonderful and powerful memories for me.

  9. Thank you to all who stopped by today! We got home later tonight than usual. I am SO ready for bed! Read you in the morning!


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