Friday, March 18, 2016

SOLC and Poetry

It's the 17th day of the Slice of Life Challenge to write every day this month.  It is also Poetry Friday hosted at Robyn Hood Black.  So I guess it is the day to have a poem as a slice.  Let's see.

Yesterday I had went to our book club meeting at Starbucks.  I leave the house at 5:10 am to pick up a friend by 5:15, and get into town by 5:45.  It is always dark.  It is still cold.  It was foggy, too, this time.

Book Club and a Mug

I got up early to read a book
so early it meant
I forsook
the warmth of bed

Threw back the quilt and next the sheet,
then showered quickly -
naught to eat;
it's still nightdark,

So quietly sneaked past the dog,
out the door and
in the fog;
kept watch for deer.

I drove to town to Starbucks Land
and ordered coffee
just as planned;
paid with my card.

A sip or two of warming joe
and sun had risen
in my soul,
and I woke up.

Perhaps there wasn't really fog
and maybe I had
woken dog
and snoozing cat;

But who's to know what had occurred
or length of journey
I'd endured
as sleep-driver.

©Donna JT Smith, 2106, all rights reserved

See you Saturday!  I'll wake up then after coffee at Blueberry's.


  1. Now that's dedication to a book club! Glad you made it there safely. I didn't realize Starbucks was even open that early. Your poem had a fun rhythm to it - it was almost like I could feel you bouncing along in the car.

    1. Our Starbucks opens at 5 AM! So we aren't even their first customers. We are only a group of 4, so we can get their easy chairs and group them around an end table for our coffees while we talk about the book. It is fun getting out that early actually! (I didn't include the fact that I did pick up a friend on the didn't fit the poem!)

  2. You are such a master rhymer! I love this poem, but I am jealous that you can enjoy books, friends, and Starbucks on a weekday morning!

  3. Sounds like it was worth the time-change journey to warm up with coffee, friends, and words! Thanks for sharing. :0)

    1. Thanks for hosting today, Robyn, and stopping by!

  4. I know you love your Starbuck Morning Java and Talk. Did you see Diane Mayr's post today?

    1. Just got back from there! It's a coffee kind of day. Too bad I don't live in Chicago...nah! But a free cup of coffee would be nice!

  5. Nice! And a companion to my coffee poems! There's also a free coffee giveaway in Toronto, but that one would require having a passport! My passport expired about 5 years ago, so a free cup of coffee wouldn't be free after all!

    1. I guess there's just no such thing as a free cup of coffee for us!

  6. Wow what dedication. I didn't know that a coffee shop was open that early either. Bravo Donna. How was the book?
    Bonnie K

  7. I'm impressed, Donna! I love those early morning hours too, but I love them more when I don't have to change out of my pajamas. Your poem convinces me that I might want to give it a try sometime... the coffee and camaraderie are appealing.

  8. Wow, the dedication to book club, early in the morn. But it sounds like it was beautiful on the way, and then that "sun rising in your soul" is a part I loved.

  9. Yeah, I don't think a pre-dawn book club is in my future. I'm with Michelle HB -- I love early my PJs!!

  10. I couldn't get the kids off to school if I did that, but I love the idea of going to a book club. How fun. I love that you rhymes the first and third lines. Well done.

  11. Yes to books, friends, and Starbucks, but at 5:30 in the evening! I agree with Mary Lee. I get lots of reading and writing done in my pjs. Love your fun poem!


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