Thursday, March 3, 2016

Spiritual Journey Thursday

For more thoughts on Admire - go to Holly Mueller's links at Reading, Teaching, Learning.
Today's word for our Spiritual Journey Thursday (more links at Holly Mueller's) is Julieanne Harmatz's OLW (one little word for the year):  "admire". 

1.  to have a feeling of great respect for someone or something
2.  to look at someone or something that you think is beautiful or attractive

Who do you admire?
The first definition is the important one to me, though the second may be the one that grabs the attention first.  However, that is fleeting if what comes out of their mouth is foul, mean or unthinking.  It's harder to maintain a feeling of respect.  We are still commanded to love.  We don't have to agree and be best buddies however.

There are some people in the Bible that I admire.  I don't really even know or have any way of knowing what they looked like, but I can tell from actions that they would be people I'd respect or admire.

Do you remember Ruth?  I love her life story.  I love that she decided to follow Naomi back to her homeland.  And as a reward she found a husband.  Because her husband had died, she was not going to remarry unless it was a relative of her deceased husband, and the chances of that were very slim.  She went about doing what was pleasing to the Lord regardless, and her devotion was rewarded when Boaz discovered her gleaning in the field.

How about Esther?  She was a champion for her people and risked being put to death by her own husband, King Ahasuerus, for speaking out of turn.  But she was able to save Mordecai from the gallows, while sending the scheming Haman in his stead.

You know, I also like Mrs. Noah.... whatever her given name was... she may not have been named in this, but she raised a God-fearing family who was able to accompany them on the ark, and she obviously supported her "crazy" husband who built an ark to float when the rains came - even though there hadn't been any such thing as rain before that time.  And I'm sure that while he was spending all that time building the ark, he was letting a few household chores slide.  But did she nag?

I admire these people and others in the Bible, because they stood by God's principles.  They trusted.  They saw things through even when they didn't look too promising.

These are the people I admire in my present day life.  I look to those that I admire to be my role model in times of strife.  This is the way I want to be living; I want to be strong and steadfast in the Lord, so that when someone is watching, or no one is watching, I am doing what God would have me to do, regardless of the circumstances.  I would want to be known for my extreme faith.  I want to have extreme faith in the Lord, and the good that will always eventually come of pleasing God.  He is the one due all my praise and admiration.   But when I see His qualities in others, His hand in their lives, and their steadfastness in actions, I also admire that.  To be an admirable person, one must first and foremost, have admiration for God and His creation.
Iced tree at night


AD'MIRABLE, a. L. admirabilis.
To be admired; worthy of admiration; having qualities to excite wonder, with approbation, esteem or reverence; used of persons or things; as, the admirable structure of the body, or of the universe.


  1. Donna, this is a beautiful view of the word admire for SJT today. I love your humor that peeked out in the story of Mrs. Noah. Thanks for giving me another perspective on admiring those who are worthy of recognition.

  2. Thank you for highlighting a trio of admiration-worthy Old Testament women; I especially enjoyed your take on the virtues of Mrs. Noah! All told, from start to finish, I am totally in sync with your God-focused lived perspective on the core meaning of "admire." Thank you for sharing your reflections so convincingly! God bless you!

  3. Donna, I love the Mrs. Noah part too. She did so much to ensure her husband built that ark. She backed him and loved him. The Bible doesn't go into details, but I see her clearly in my mind standing with her husband even when others laughed and ridiculed him. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I took a Beth Moore study on Ruth; it was wonderful! The story of Esther always makes me think of Veggie Tales. ;-) Like everyone else, I loved your musings on Mrs. Noah. How funny to think of her nagging at the neglected housework. ;-) Thank you for your perspective on ADMIRE!

  5. Love these thoughts on Admire. You point out some very admirable Bible women, including Mrs. Noah - Ha! My takeaway from this: "I want to be strong and steadfast in the Lord, so that when someone is watching, or no one is watching, I am doing what God would have me to do, regardless of the circumstances." So well said, Donna!


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