Thursday, December 15, 2016

Day 14 of December

Beginning of December last year.
Nearing spring
I have now held steady for a few months.

I am starting up again just a bit more seriously, as I'd like to do a few more pounds.  So going lighter on the yogurt for desserts and back to heavier on the bacon!
This summer
In honor of that, I'm haiku-ing for my health today.

Thursday and I'm almost caught up to one haiku a day for December -
These will be #10, #11 and #12.


No bun, no crackers,
Hold the pancakes, muffins, pies,
Time to break bread ties.

Eating Out

Baconator lunch,
Cheesy eggs and bacon, please,
Chili, bacon side.


Fat feasting - I lose,
Carbohydrate snack - I gain;
Such loss is sweet gain.

Okay, just added this one, because it came to me after loading the images:

Sweet are gray hair years -
Grandchildren, motorcycles,
Time to spend looking.

This is not the easiest thing to do when Thanksgiving and Christmas are holding hands with pumpkin pies and chocolates, and "specialty drinks" at Starbucks!
But not impossible.  I do like bacon.  It's almost a dessert.

....And writing a Haiku.  That's always good for dessert.


  1. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas with bacon, then yogurt too. Congrats for making this happen for your health, Donna.

  2. Merry Christmas to you too, Linda! Lookin' to deck the halls with bacon garlands again! I am thankful for so much.

  3. Enjoyed seeing the photos! Amazing how someone so mischievous can look so angelic...

    My husband has largely banished processed meats due to the WHO saying they are carcinogens. Boy, was I sad when that happened!

  4. When we eat bacon, it is uncured (unless I can't get it), and I eat only grass-fed beef. We try to find the least processed meats we can. Even the butter I use is from grass-fed cows. It's worth the extra effort, but I'm not picky if we are out. Just can't have gluten then!
    The angelic look has taken years to perfect...


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