Thursday, December 29, 2016

Party Poetry Friday

It is the end of the year, last day tomorrow.  It's Party Poetry Friday here today though!

I am happy to have had this wonderful year to be writing and reading and getting to know everyone another year more and meeting new bloggers and poets and writers.  2016 has been a pretty good year for that.  There is not much I would do differently about this year, and next year I hope to have as much boldness as this year.  I liked the word BOLD as my OLW this year.  Other years I'd picked a word, but none grabbed me as much as this one.
What will my next word be?  It needs to be one that fits my life now.  My first thought was CONTENTMENT or just CONTENT.  But I don't want to just be a stagnant CONTENT.  I want it to be a BOLD word - a strong CONTENTMENT.  Maybe COMMIT.  I will think about it some more.  I'll let you know.

I hope everyone had a year that was productive and memorable in good ways, and that 2017 will bring even more wellness and joy to each and every one!  I am very optimistic.  Maybe that is the word I need?  OPTIMISTIC/OPTIMISM?

My Bold Haiku 30 for #HaikuforHealing - a prompt and challenge to write a Haiku a day for the month of December given by Mary Lee Hahn.

Bold Is

Urgent surge forward
Steps pushing green blades aside
Walking fearlessly.

Now, for YOU!  Remember to link up today!  Looking forward to hearing everyone's end of 2016 offerings!  Next: on to 2017.  I'm game.


  1. I like that you had a bold and fulfilling year. I have lots of bold words I enjoy: vibrant, joy, renew, discover, remember, start, sail, dive, fly. I'm sure you'll find just the right one for the all-new-2017-you!

    1. Good really early morning, Brenda! Sleet is beating on my windows keeping me awake! Great bold words! I'm still thinking!

  2. Donna, happy pre-new year. Thanks for hosting the Poetry Friday party. Amidst the family gatherings and reorganization of my holiday house, I took a few moments to read your engaging post featuring your OLW - bold that led you on quite a journey this year. Hear's to a new word and new year.

    1. For some strange reason, my link kept breaking so I reposted. Happy New Year, Donna and poetry friends.

  3. Hail from England, Donna, and thanks for hosting today! Your OLW has served you well this year, I think, and your bold haiku captures it, as well as your optimism. My congenital optimism is suffering somewhat in these days of uncertainty, but I need it intact for my college-bound daughter especially. I wonder if my word can make a difference to that this year...

    1. I am very optimistic about the coming year! Have no fear! And your daughter - congratulations on setting her on her feet and giving her that okay to fly!

  4. Good early morning, Donna! So happy to see such positive and BOLD post. You give me hope. I am choosing my own OLW today. Goodness, it's been quite a process narrowing down the list. In 2016 my OLW was Listen....and it was quite a year of that for me. It was not what I expected but I learned lots. I love Poetry Friday so much! I need to find out the schedule for the next few months. Do you know where to find it?
    Have fun reading and responding to entries today. It's just the Rx for a cold and sleety day.

    1. I've posted the new one on the sidebar here, and you can find it at

  5. Donna, thanks so much for hosting. I love your haiku--especially the sounds of that first line! 2016 was my first year to choose OLW and I appreciate the reminder to reflect on that journey. Perhaps doing so will help me choose a word for 2017. Happy New Year!

    1. Hi, Molly! I'm hoping my OLW will let me find it shortly!

  6. The snow and rain have finished here. Sun on the treetops is gorgeous this morning. I hope the sun comes your way soon!

    1. We got a beautiful day here after sleet and no power. Just a nice amount of snow for sleds and grandchildren by morning. Had a luscious day!

  7. Your optimism is one of your finest characteristics and what I think of when I think of you! I hope you find a OLW that suits you just right. I'm waffling between 2 myself. Thank you for hosting with such enthusiasm!!

    1. You can't do anything when you are drowning in doubt and fear... so a bit of Pollyanna can't be bad!
      I'll be looking for your OLW!

  8. Donna, BOLD has been such a good fit for you... I look forward to finding out what new OLW you choose! Also, we'd love to have you on the schedule to host Spiritual Journey First Thursday. Sign up here: Thank you for hosting! xo

    1. I am going to sign up, Irene! I read about the changes somewhere recently and thought I should check it out again! Thanks!

  9. Good morning, Donna! Thanks for hosting today. And I must say, I love your BOLD approach to life--very inspiring.

    Also, I enjoyed reading your "Noah Cat" blogs last week. Don't remember how I found myself there, but Noah is quite a character. Wish him a Happy New Year for me, will you. (Hope he's got over fighting the foot monsters!)

    1. Ha! Noah is definitely a character! So glad we "found" him as a rescue cat. He came with a friendly but BOLD attitude!

  10. No post today, but wishing you another "bold" year, with contentment thrown in often, Donna. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Linda! Look forward to your posts after all the holiday hub-bub has died down!

  11. Good morning Donna! Thanks for hosting today! I love the word BOLD and all that it inspires! I'll be anxious to see what word you choose for next year!

    1. BOLD really, really served me well in 2016. I hope to capture another for 2017. I have a few floating around in my head.

  12. Good morning. BOLD,what a great word. And I do like the word for 2017. Thank you for hosting.

  13. "Walking fearlessly", indeed! Thanks for hosting, Donna...have a nice New Year!

    1. Hope your 2017 is prosperous, Matt! Warmish would be nice, too!

  14. Commit--that is a great word (I might steal it!) So glad that you are walking fearlessly into the new year. Thanks for hosting.

    1. It is a good word. Strong. That may just be it for me. Seems to fit right now, and most likely I'll need it later, too.

  15. Optimism is key! Happy holidays, everyone!

  16. I love the movement in the word BOLD and in your haiku. And thank your for your optimism, joy and well wishes for 2017.

  17. Thank you for hosting today, Donna, and for urging us to walk "fearlessly" into 2017. Happy New Year!

    1. We have nothing to fear but fear itself...right? "fearless" my word? Let me try it out.


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