Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas Haikus

It's Poetry Friday, and though I'm a little late posting, I couldn't let it go by without a Haiku - or two.  I'm almost caught up.  Christmas may get a little tricky to keep on track, but I'm going to try!

Haiku #14:

Christmas 1

Pause in wonderment -
No garlands, wreaths, nor glitter;
Just a holy night.

Haiku #15:

Christmas 2

Unroll, measure, cut,
Wrap, fold, tape, tie, curl and card
Stack, grab another.

Now to read more poetry this Friday and all week head to Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference!


  1. Glad you made it, Donna! My goal is to make more time to pause in wonderment. Life can tend to feel like wrapping gifts at times, where we're going through the motions just grabbing for one more thing. We need more wonderment these days!

  2. Donna, I paused to wonder after reading haiku #1 because it sends a just right message across social media. Thanks for the pause and reflect moment.

  3. You have captured the season perfectly. I love the first one about paising.

  4. I'm glad you joined in! I think there's always time for slowing down, noticing, and finding a few words.

  5. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas, Donna. I love that "grab another". What I'll be doing today!

  6. Loving haiku this month. Your haiku gifts are wrapped up beautifully.

  7. Thank you for sharing these lovely haiku. Yes, wonderment is what we need!

  8. I resonate with those haiku. The sound of wrapping paper unrolling, the snicker of tape, the stacked packages, the gleaming eyes of kids.... Ah..


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