Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Underdog

Well, U is for unable to get my own pictures.  I finally found a picture online of one Maine lobster boat that begins with U - Underdog!  I have to credit Sam Murfitt for the picture here.

I also have a video clip of showing Underdog getting rolled a bit in a lobster boat race in 2008.  The write up is here:
The video is here:
It all turns out well in the end, after a concussion and a broken arm, anyway.

Here is Underdog and two poems I wrote for it:

©Photo by Sam Murfitt

Utterly Underdog -

(just watch it!)
Undersung -

(go howl it!)
Underweened -

(award it!
horribly Underhyped -

(harp on it!
really Underrated -
(rethink it!
Wicked Wonderdog - 
(wonderfully wild waves!)
Underdog's Race

 Underestimated weather
Unimaginable deep
Undulating waves
Unrelenting wind
Unprotected seas
Undetected danger
Underrated power
Underwater rescue
Unexpected ending

Then I found the interview that mentions a second lobster boat name that began with a U.  I doubt is still around, but maybe. Quite a while ago there WAS a lobster boat called the USS Alabama.  I stumbled upon this interview of a lobsterman in Friendship, Maine.  I think he's in the family of the person we bought our house from in Friendship.
He named his lobster boat the USS Alabama, after the boat he was on in the service.
This interview is one of a few that were done as a school project.  I'm thinking of saving the pages in case the school decides to take them down.  There's some great information at the interview with Stan Simmons.

USS Alabama

Enlisted in battle
Rolling with swells
Racing wild winds
Where man never dwells

Cutting through waters
Carving its wake
Slicing through layers
A battle at stake.
Rolling and racing
Carving and cutting,
But on its return
It's just putt-putt-putt-putt-ing.
The battleship USS Alabama may be seen on either of these two pages -


Ooooh, and I JUST found this other boat!  Uncles UFO!  Two U's!
I don't have a poem for it, because I JUST found it.  But here is a You Tube video of Uncle UFO racing Whistlin' Dixie in 2009.  This video is taken aboard the lobster boat Uncles UFO.  It's pretty cool to watch and not too long.



  1. always like the underdog--and i love your poems, esp. the first one :)

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I wasn't sure about the first one. It took a while to develop...went through a few morphs to get there!

  2. I have fond memories of taking a lobstering "cruise" near Ogunquit in the 70’s. I love the NE!! Happy A to Z!


    1. You'll have to head farther north! People don't even know we have potato farming here, too!

  3. 'Uncle's UFO' is a very original name - I love it :)

  4. I like both poems, the first is very clever and the second is undeniably unusual ;-)

    1. Unbearably unique, too? I wanted to fit "underwear" in it, but it just didn't work.

  5. Unique challenge theme - I really like it. The poems are great! Stopped by to visit because I love Maine, I totally have a thing for lighthouses and rocky shores.

    1. They are good things for which to have a thing! Hope you visit again! We're almost to the end. What WILL I do with my time next month?

  6. Amazing what you find when you start looking! 3 U's! Utterly Underdog is super, Donna!

    1. Yes, it is. Wish I didn't get so distracted by other neat stuff to learn - not really!


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