Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sliced Poetry

Last night I got my word for the March Madness 2013 Poetry Tournament.  Half the authletes got their words, and the other half will get them tomorrow.  We each have a different word and will be writing a poem over the next 36 hours using that word.  The poems will be posted this Wednesday for the first flight of poems and Thursday for the second flight of poems..  You just NEED to go there and vote for your favorite poems.  They should be some remarkable pieces.  The word bank had to be incredible this year - the words range from pretty solid words we might use every day to words that most have never even said in their entire lives, and have never even planned to say, ever, and would have to look up in a dictionary and maybe even have it pronounced for them if they wanted to use them someday like today.

That being said, I am lame and stiff after Sunday's stairway routine.  I am going to hold the railing ALWAYS from now on.  I am going to consolidate my belongings so I can have a hand free to do that.  And if it is dark, I am going to go more slowly and cautiously, feeling for each step before I decide to do any more pirouettes.  There just isn't enough room in the stairwell to do one well, and a tour jette is right out!

I must go.  I have some nice safe writing to do now.  I'll be sitting still in one spot.  I'm not even getting my tiara out...though that could be an inspiration...

Must sit here a spell and write really well.  Grab a cookie to chew, and spew a rhyme or two.  Turn the heat pad to hot, and don't move from this spot. Sit down where it's cozy, and with computer compose-y... my poem!

Don't forget to vote on Wednesday and Thursday!


  1. First, maybe some Advil would help with the aches and pains from your dance with the stairs. Hopefully, you still have some of those maple cookies to chew as you create. Good luck to you, you always write the best poems. Can't wait to see what your word was.

    1. Yeah, I'm an aspirin kinda gal...so I'm popping those fairly regularly! And you know those maple cookies have really helped keep my mind off the aches and twitches! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I am new at this so have not heard about the March Madness Poetry Tournament....can't wait to check it out. I am learning so much from taking this challenge...and this is one more! Do take care in taking the stairs...even though your description sent a small giggle through me...I know it must have hurt. Thanks so much. Jackie http://familytrove.blogspot.com/

    1. Oh, you are going to so love getting involved in everything! It's a great group and you learn about so many new things! Welcome - I visited and loved your post today!

  3. Good luck, Donna...I'd say "break a leg" but that might not sound very encouraging after the tumble you just took!

    1. Thanks for not making me break a leg! And thanks for the good wishes! This tournament has some killer words! And not in a good way!

  4. Oh my, I must have missed something big! I'll go back to take a look. I think I'm going to copy some of your post for tomorrow to remind others to go visit the poems tomorrow. Best wishes, Donna. I worked off & on all after school, & am not exactly thrilled, but I tried several ideas & couldn't get it to click this time. I'll look for yours in the am! Sorry for your accident (I guess from the comments!)

    1. The words are tough this year! Not sure why, but it really was hard to make it click! I had to write three of them before I could get something that didn't make me cringe! Looking forward to voting time tomorrow! I'll check in on yours! I'm sure yours is better than it looks to you right now! That's what I'm hoping for mine!
      I had a pretty bad tumble Sunday night, but miraculously was able to get up and "walk it off". Just some minor stiffness and aching that was at its worst this morning. Feeling pretty good tonight!


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