Monday, March 11, 2013

I'd Give It a 9.5

At first glance one might say yesterday was a not-so-good day.  But reflecting on it, I see that yesterday was a so-good-near-to-marvelous day.  I started out being sick.  But by the end of the day I was all better.  So that was the first 180 I did.
Then, in the evening, leaving our church's upstairs auditorium, I fell down the stairs.  It was a well executed fall really - almost a head over teakettle fall.  I think it would have scored a 9.5 in the Women Over 60 Division of the Curved Stairs to Landing Double Free Fall.  I skipped over two steps heading downstairs to the first stairway landing, where I bounced off the wall, missing the window.  Once there, I performed a half-pirouette, a beautiful 180, before my headlong, backwards decent to the next set of steps above the second stairway landing.  I think I aced the dismount with feet pointed to the ceiling, legs balanced on the stairs above me.  My graceful dismount included a spontaneous flourish as I swung my legs a full 90 degrees down from the stairs to be level with my upper body resting on the lower stairway landing.  I discretely pulled my skirt back down from my face and held the dismount for the required 5 seconds. I may have lingered on the dismount a few more seconds, or maybe it was minutes, while I took inventory of my performance.
You might say, that would certainly qualify as a contender for "The Not So Good Day Springtime Awards of 2013".  But I was not broken, and today I'm merely a bit stiff with a sore right hand, arm and shoulder.  There are, thus far, no marks other than a skinned knuckle where I hit the wall on the first landing.  No one can see my bruised pride.  My iPad, iPhone and camera were not broken.
But best of all... the judges were all women.
You may have been able to detect my bruised pride if there had been any men present.


  1. You are a glass-half-full kind of person! I did laugh as I read your description of your fall. Way to stick the landing!

    1. No matter the performance, one must always stick the landing, head held high, skirt held down!

  2. Glad that you survived intact especially your sense of humor...need a laugh today!

  3. Oh dear. I'm glad you survived, and I hope you feel better soon...

    1. And this is why we tell students to USE the RAILING! I was holding two bags instead of the railing, and it was dark. All no-no's in stairway land!

  4. I'm so glad you're okay...but make no mistake: PERFECT detail!! 10.0!!

    1. Oh, thanks for the 10.0! I'll trade my 9.5 in for the 10. Now, thankfully, I don't have to try and improve my score!

  5. Woah...the way you described that fall, expertly and with great good humor, I was prepared to hear that you were badly hurt, perhaps with something were lucky!

    1. I was amazed that I didn't get hurt worse. My lower back stiffens up if I sit too long, and my right arm is aching. But aspirin and heating pad have helped immensely.

  6. That was a close one! I'm glad you made it through with just a bit a soreness. I hope it's ok with you that I laughed until my belly hurt as I read your slice today. As for the slice? I'd give it a 10!

    1. Yes, it's quite ok...especially since you laughed until it hurt. That way it's kind of sympathetic, right?!

  7. Like Tara, I was expecting an ending that involved a cute doctor or two...

    1. It came close! I can't believe I was able to walk away from it!

  8. You truly are a Maine lady with grit. That fall sounds like it could have inflicted serious damage to more than your pride. Thank goodness the electronics made it through with no damage :-). Seriously, you were so lucky but your rendition is so funny. Don't be trying to improve on your score.

    1. I never thought about improving my score...I think you are right. I'll just pass on it. No one is going to try to compete against me for this crown!

  9. Oh, my gosh, you're Wonder Woman! Forget the 9.5. No one had a camera/IPhone? It is a wonder you could still write this slice. Take care.

    1. Oh, yeah, I really wanted that recorded! The lights and security cameras were off thankfully, but I may have been too far around the corner for it to capture the scene anyway.

  10. I would say that maybe an angel or two were spotting for you. Thank God.

    1. You know, I had "entertained" that thought! Thanks have certainly and humbly been given.

  11. Oh my, I think from the description you should get a 10! So, so glad you are ok!


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