Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Making CAPTCHA Easier...

Oh, those dumb CAPTCHA's...they ARE irritating!
Last March we had some great CAPTCHA poetry posted.  And Maria mentioned her frustration with them yesterday.
I just thought I'd add some of my discoveries about these little blogging helpers/hinderers!

If you don't want to use CAPTCHA's on your blog:

1. Don't allow "anonymous" commenting, and you are pretty well protected without them.
2. Turn on comment moderation so nothing goes up without going through your email first, for you to okay and post.

And if you do encounter a CAPTCHA that needs to be wrestled with -  many of you probably know this as well as I do, but just in case you haven't played around with it much and are newer to blogging....

1. Did you know that you can skip typing in the numerals? That picture doesn't do a thing.  So skip the blurry picture! Try it on your next comment with a captcha. Do just the letters - skip the pictured numerals. It WILL accept just the letters.
2. If you can't read the letters just click on the side circular arrow to ask for a new one. The second time it is often clearer, I've found.  Do it until you get something you can read!
3. There is a little audio button on the side, also.  It reads off some numerals.  I wouldn't suggest doing the audio help!  If you think the letters are hard to read, you should hear the recording! Try clicking on the audio button - just for the fun of it!
4. After listening to the audio, go back and type the letters.  You will think the letters are very easy now!
Bonus Tip:
5. Also, the word does not have to be typed with the capitals. Use all lower case!  Thanks for the tip, Elsie!!!!

Okay, that's all I've got!  Hope it makes being CAPTCHA-ed more pleasant next time!


  1. Great post, Donna - timely too with the upcoming A-Z Challenge.

    When I was blogging daily I used to only restrict "anonymous" and leave it at that.

    But now that I'm not blogging as often I find Comment Moderation is the best - it allows everyone to leave a comment without jumping through the CAPTCHA hoop, but give me the control over what's on my blog when I'm not around.

    Super piece!

  2. I have loved writing this month and I have loved reading other people's writing but proving that I am not a robot has been annoying. I frequently need the second attempt with less blurry letters! What a fun post to read and full of useful information.

    1. PS It worked without the numbers--how cool is that!

    2. I know last year I eliminated the CAPTCHA from mine, but couldn't remember how it was done. And, I found out earlier this month that we didn't need to mess with those numbers. Thanks for this great information.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions. I too HATE the nonrobot spam stage of responding.

  4. I have to say--dealing with captcha has made commenting during the Slice such a chore. Thank you for posting this!!

  5. Also, the word does not have to be typed with the capitals. Using all lower case letters makes it easier too. I've tried to listen, just for fun, and could never understand the voice.

    1. I'll have to try that again. I thought I'd tried it before and it wouldn't work. BUT... PERHAPS I'd already gotten another letter wrong, so misdiagnosed the problem! I'll add your tip to my list above and credit YOU! Thanks. We need all the CAPTCHA help we can get!
      And, yes, isn't that voice horrid? I couldn't figure it out ever!

  6. I'd relocated my initial blog from Blogger to Wordpress because of this exact reason. Blargh to CAPTCHA! But thanks for the tips. I was actually avoiding commenting on Blogspot blogs because of it, skipping them in favor of the Wordpress ones. I feel a whole new world has opened up to me. Too bad we're on the last legs of SOL. :/

    1. After posting this I thought...eeesh! I should have posted this way earlier in the challenge. Next year I will.

  7. At first I was frustrated with the whole thing, because I simply didn't see the letters properly. Then I discovered the arrow to change the letters. After reading Elsie's post I stopped typing the numbers and used only lower case letters. Commenting became much easier.
    Your post gives good advice both to the blogger and the person commenting. I agree that next year this information would be beneficial at the beginning of March, or even before we start.

    1. I missed Elsie's post on this! I should go back and find that one! The good thing is that I guess not everyone saw it. This should probably go on TWT site for all posters. With so many bloggers we don't get around to all of them - at least not all the posts!

  8. You mentioned this bit about the numbers once before, Donna, and it has really worked...thanks!

  9. Sure didn't know you could skip the numbers! Still, I find the whole thing a real pain! :)

  10. I didnt know you could skip the numbers! Although, generally they are the easy part! I think the easiest way to deal with CAPTCHA is to get bypass software though! It just reads and fills all the CAPTCHAs in for you for a less stressful blogging experience! I'm trialing rumola at the moment and, I must say I'm very impressed. If you wanna try it go to


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