Friday, March 8, 2013

May I Have a Word?

Here's my post for Poetry Friday hosted by Heidi Mordhorst at My Juicy Little Universe, and Slice#8 with Stacey and Ruth at Two Writing Teachers.  It's a poem warmup for March Madness Poetry 2013 Competition starting next week:

Ed DeCaria at Think Kid Think is beginning the new March Madness poetry competition for 2013.  On March 11, I'll receive my first word, along with 32 other poets.  The next day the other half of the poet/authletes will receive their words.  We each have 36 hours to write a poem using the word we've been assigned.  Check in next week on Wednesday (the 13th) afternoon and then Thursday (the 14th) to vote on the first set of poems.  Anyone may vote one time. If you have a class of students, get them to read and vote on their favorites, too!  After all, these poems are written for everyone!

Clicking on the link above or on the image at the top of the sidebar will bring you to the competition!

Here is a poem I wrote about the competition just to get me started - no voting yet!

May I Have a Word?

March Madness Poetry
Begins very soon;
Its commencement is eminent
And all poets will croon,

"May I have a word?"
"Lay one on me," they'll wail,
"A noun or a verb -
Our rhyming won't fail!"

With 24 hours
It's just enough time
To put words together
And make up a rhyme.

Nobody knows what 
Their challenge will be,
We just have to wait
For March 11th to see.

Then starts the march
In the poem parade;
The reading, the voting, 
As best rhymes are played.

A winner is chosen
But that's not the end;
A new word and poet
Are just 'round the bend.

Onward the march
And all of its madness, 
Till crowned be a poet,
The Great His or Her Radness!

Such poems of sweetness
And some that are stinkier;
Till The March Madness Radness
Gets the trophy, The Thinkier.

By Donna JT Smith, Feb. 27, 2013 


  1. Coincidentally, I just started a series about poetry. The first post just went up.

  2. That sounds like SO much fun......ummm but I think I might wait until next year....I am struggling to keep up with th 200+ at SOL this year!

  3. March Madness Radness, indeed! Good luck, Donna. I'm really looking forward to doing it again.

  4. How fun! I've never participated in the poetry challenges, but I certainly enjoy reading them. Sounds like a good exercise to do with the students on my poetry slam team.

  5. Such fun! I look forward to reading all the poems in the competition and voting. This is a great warmup poem, Donna. Good luck! =)

  6. Oh, this does sound like fun.,.but the slice of life challenge is about all I can keep up with! Good luck!

  7. Donna Good Luck. I can tell you are ready! I look forward to reading the poems that are created.

  8. Looks like your dedication and training are paying off. You're in shape and ready to go! Best of luck!

  9. Wow - can't wait to see the poem uyou crate for the competition.
    Love the poem you created. All the best

  10. Cute poem! I can feel your excitement about this event throughout it.

  11. It takes a special poetry brain wiring to create work like this. I hope that you get a word that gives you both challenge and joy.

  12. Whoo-hoo! Get it going! You're right to warm up,'s gonna be a bruiser!


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