Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Finery

My family at Easter, probably 1964 - I'm in back, behind my sister.

It's Easter!
Easter's pretty early this year.  Are you ready?

I used to hide Easter baskets for my kids and hide jelly beans and chocolate eggs for my nieces and nephews to find.  The year we lived in a motel, I hid chocolate eggs for the staff and visitors.  I forgot they had cameras around the place - that made it a bit easier for them to go back and find them after watching me hide them!

I haven't had any one to hide eggs for now for a few years, but the next batch of kids is coming up.  Nieces and nephews and my daughter all have if we can just get them together in one place some Easter, we'll have a good hunt again!

I wish kids still dressed up for Easter.  Where are the shiny, black patten leather shoes, the frilly hats, the white gloves, the pastel dresses, the suits and ties?  Sigh.  "In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it..."  I remember those days when our family WAS an Easter parade marching into church in all our Easter finery.  We were so excited to get the new clothes on.  We always hoped there wouldn't be snow, so you could actually wear those new shoes and lighter jackets.  I should probably speak for myself, though.  I don't think my brothers were exactly champing at the bit to get into a sports jacket and neck tie.  I'm pretty sure they'd have rather had their sneakers on.  But they knew they didn't have a choice.

I'll be in church today (this post is scheduled for Sunday again).  I will wear a purple outfit, but no hat or gloves. We will sing and listen to a message about Jesus' love for us, how God sent us his Son for a while, how He died to cover the payment due for our sins, and how He rose again, victorious.  We are reminded that if we would accept His gift we'd have Eternal life.

I am looking forward to the day that I will meet Him face to face.

And on THAT day, I will be in my VERY best Easter finery.
I am really looking forward to that shiny, new body!
This old one is getting a bit tattered and wrinkled!

Slice 31 of 31!  Done!

 Thank you Stacey and Ruth at Two Writing Teachers. for hosting this challenge this month.  I've posted for every day this month!  Yea!  I'll join you on Slice of Life Tuesdays and again next March!  Hope to read everyone there soon!

And now....
Bring on the A to Z Challenge!
I'll have post a day (except on Sundays); one for  each letter of the alphabet.  And since it is Poetry Month, I'll be posting poems every day on my A to Z posts.  Tomorrow the theme is revealed...maybe you can guess what I've been photographing all March around here.  That's kind of a hint.


  1. What great images of hiding Easter Eggs. I remember our hunts. So fun. I look forward to reading your A-Z Challenge.

  2. Thanks for sharing this with us. It would be nice if everyone dressed up in their best outfits for Easter and remembered why we celebrate this amazing day.
    This is my first visit to your blog. If you'd like to find out more about me, please
    Happy Easter!

  3. I remember getting some new clothes for Easter, especially a new hat! I love the photo, your sister's sweet handbag, the brothers serious! Soon you'll be able to hide those eggs again! Happy Easter Donna, & looking forward to your A to Z poetry!

  4. Love the old photo and memories of Easters past. My mother was an operating room nurse and had to be on call. One Easter, she had to work, so my father dressed me and took me to church with my dress on backwards! Looking forward to reading your Ato Z poetry!

  5. Oh those days of the Easter hat and gloves! I remember them well. Hopefully one day you will have a grand egg hunt with all the children in your family. I look forward to the A-Z challenge, cheering you on from the side lines.

  6. Hi, Donna - Happy Easter, and thanks for the Easter memories.

    I'm in on this year's A to Z Challenge, for the first time. Looking forward to it and hoping I can keep up the blogging for a month. Will look for your poems. (Though my computer has a little trouble with the word verification.) Good luck!

    Barbara (A to Z #1486 - whew!)

  7. Love the old image. It brings back memories.

  8. I dressed up for church today, but unfortunately not in purple:) See you on Tuesdays!


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