Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pictures on a Sunny Saturday

Last weekend my husband and I spent Saturday riding around the islands and peninsulas.  He was such a kind chauffeur to me as we abruptly stopped, turned around and backed up all afternoon, allowing me to either take a picture with the window rolled down or jump out of the car to snap a photo.
In a very "unlike me manner", I even stopped to talk to people, and ask if I could take some pictures.  And because of that daring, I even met a book publisher on my photo trek.  I'm going to submit a couple of poems for possible acceptance in the anthology she's publishing later this year.  Maybe that will be a start along with the MM 2013 anthology... that would be fun!

Here are a few of the nearly spring photos I took from the coast of Maine that sunny Saturday in March:
On the working dock at Five Islands.
Stacked lobster traps.

Repainting buoys
Buoys and ropes in the melting snow
All painted and drying in the March sun
Ocean view through a lobster trap

Spring is in the air here!  Boats are being readied, along with traps, buoys and lines.  Some are expecting to get out on the water as early as May 1 this year.  Oh, yeah!  I can smell it, I can taste it, I can hear it and see it and feel it!
Quick reminder of March Madness 2013 Poetry Tournament will be available for voting around 1 pm Eastern time TODAY and Monday!  Look for my "rhetoric" poem!  That's my word for Round 2!  Enjoy lots of great brand new written under duress poems!!!  And vote!
End of message....


  1. Of course, I am always jealous, Donna. The scenes are so inviting, and then your smell it, tastes it, hear, see & feel it. Terrific!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. I love the colors in the painting buoys shot and the shapes in the first one are stunning. Your husband was wise to be patient and let you take the shots you envisioned.

  3. Spring can't come soon enough - but that crisp light in your photographs make me hopeful, that's a sure sign of Spring!

  4. I love your nearly spring term for this period of time. I think the rope picture is my favorite. That sky is so blue, ours is so much paler.


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